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Metadata Editor for creating metadata according to the INSPIRE and GDI-DE implementing rules.


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MeTaDor2 is a metadata editor for creating metadata according to the INSPIRE and GDI-DE implementing rules.

Image of MeTaDor2

MeTaDor2 is a web-application written in PHP and uses the Symfony framework. The application allows you to create any metadata-document not only ISO- or INSPIRE-based. It allows the export of the metadata to XML or PDF according to your own rules. MeTaDor2 is able to import OGC-WMS Capabilities to create metadata documents based on their information.

The features of MetaDor2 are:

  • create and edit metadata documents according to the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines and in consideration of the GID-DE architecture,
  • create and edit metadata in your own metadata structure,
  • storage of address-data for the contact-elements,
  • user- and group-management,
  • export metadata into a directory for file-harvesting,
  • use already available metadata as a template,
  • provide a helptext for every metadata-element,
  • import XML metadata documents
  • import WMS Capabilities to create metadata-documents for this WMS services.


A demo is available at:

Usage of the helptexts

Every metadata-element allows to associate a helptext to help the user filling out the forms.

MeTaDor2 helptext

We provide some helptext for the dataset and service metadata structure. To import the helptext, type app/console metador:import:helptext -f /app/Resources/doc/metador-helptext.json from the metador2-directory. To export your helptexts, type app/console metador:export:helptext -f /tmp/hilfetext.json.

If you adjusted the metadata-structure, create the helptexts and export them. To edit the helptexts for an element, put your user into the group ROLE_HELPTEXT_ADMIN.

View the metadata as XML or PDF

Each metadata document can be shown as XML. Use an URL like this: http://localhost/metador2065/metador/xml/1. Also a PDF view is possible with an URL like this: http://localhost/metador2065/metador/pdf/1. You can even look at the object that is based on the XML and PDF export: http://localhost/metador2065/metador/obj/1.

To adjust the PDF display, change the file /Resources/views/pdf.html.twig. To configure the XML-output change the file Resources/views/Dataset/dataset.xml.twig or Resources/views/Service/service.xml.twig.

Please keep in mind that you better create your own bundle than to change the source of the MeTaDor core.

Extend with a CSW broker

MeTaDor2 itself does not contain a CSW interface but can be easily extended by a CSW broker like GeoNetwork or deegree. The metadata written in MeTaDor2 is published as XML into a folder and can be harvested by the CSW broker to supply access via the OGC-CSW protocol. Simply add into the parameters.yml the line metador.export.path: /srv/metadata/ and set which metadata documents should be exported to that folder.

Future development

The current version of MeTaDor is

The 2.0 branch contains the development of this 2.0.x versions. The 2.1 branch contains the code of the upcoming 2.1.x version.

Version 2.1 of MeTaDor2 will contain a plugin system so that it will be easier to include, activate or deactivate your own metadata-profiles. Plugins may also contain different themes, other import or export rules or other implementations or extensions.

MeTaDor2.1 plugins

Requirements / Installation / Updates / Changelog



Please report issues here at Github on the MeTaDor2 issue page.

Further information

For our German users: The Working Group "Metadata" of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Germany has released a "Conventions for Metadata" document (Version 1.1.1) that describes what requirements a valid metadata document should fulfill. The test-classes and example files are available at the BKG Git-Server of the AK Metadaten.


Metadata Editor for creating metadata according to the INSPIRE and GDI-DE implementing rules.







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