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When creating vectors of GMTdataset, assign them a data type as well (#…
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* Test/demo file for the whittaker smoothing function.

* Try reduce Vector{GMTdatasets} type ambiguities.

* More these

* Start giving type when creating empty Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}

* Another bunch

* More

* Break up the plt_txt_attrib! function in two methods.
  • Loading branch information
joa-quim authored Mar 6, 2025
1 parent 86a6247 commit 5efd462
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Showing 21 changed files with 75 additions and 79 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/GMT.jl
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Expand Up @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ include("gdal.jl")
using GMT.Gdal
const global MatGDsGd = Union{Matrix{<:AbstractFloat}, GMTdataset, Vector{GMTdataset}, Gdal.AbstractDataset}
const global MatGDsGd = Union{Matrix{<:AbstractFloat}, GMTdataset, Vector{<:GMTdataset}, Gdal.AbstractDataset}
const global CURRENT_CPT = [GMTcpt()] # To store the current palette

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/gdal_extensions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ a `GMTdataset` or an `AbstractDataset`.
type, in which case its referencing system is copied into `type`
function setproj!(tipo::AbstractArray, proj::String="")
(!isa(tipo, GMTgrid) && !isa(tipo, GMTimage) && !isa(tipo, GMTdataset) && !isa(tipo, Vector{GMTdataset})) &&
(!isa(tipo, GMTgrid) && !isa(tipo, GMTimage) && !isa(tipo, GMTdataset) && !isa(tipo, Vector{<:GMTdataset})) &&
error("Wrong data type for this function. Must be a grid, image or dataset")
(proj == "") && error("the projection string cannot obviously be empty")
isproj4 = (startswith(proj, "+proj") !== nothing)
obj = (isa(tipo, Vector{GMTdataset})) ? tipo[1] : tipo
obj = (isa(tipo, Vector{<:GMTdataset})) ? tipo[1] : tipo
(isproj4) ? (obj.proj4 = proj) : (obj.wkt = proj)
return nothing
function setproj!(tipo::AbstractArray, ref)
(!isa(ref, GMTgrid) && !isa(ref, GMTimage) && !isa(ref, GMTdataset) && !isa(ref, Vector{GMTdataset})) &&
(!isa(ref, GMTgrid) && !isa(ref, GMTimage) && !isa(ref, GMTdataset) && !isa(ref, Vector{<:GMTdataset})) &&
error("Wrong REFERENCE data type for this function. Must be a grid, image or dataset")
obj = (isa(ref, Vector{GMTdataset})) ? ref[1] : ref
obj = (isa(ref, Vector{<:GMTdataset})) ? ref[1] : ref
((prj = obj.proj4) == "") && (prj = obj.wkt)
(prj == "") && error("The REFERENCE type is not referenced with either PROJ4 or WKT string")
setproj!(tipo, prj)
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/gdal_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ function gd2gmt(geom::Gdal.AbstractGeometry, proj::String="")::Union{GMTdataset,
geom = Gdal.getgeom(geom,0)
elseif (gmtype == wkbMultiPolygon || gmtype == wkbMultiLineString || gmtype == Gdal.wkbGeometryCollection || gmtype == Gdal.wkbGeometryCollection25D)
n_pts = Gdal.ngeom(geom)
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_pts)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, n_pts)
for k = 1:n_pts D[k] = gd2gmt(Gdal.getgeom(geom,k-1), "")::GMTdataset end
(proj != "") && (D[1].proj4 = proj)
set_dsBB!(D) # Compute and set the BoundingBox's for this dataset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
min_area = (get(POSTMAN[1], "min_polygon_area", "") != "") ? parse(Float64, POSTMAN[1]["min_polygon_area"]) : 0.0
max_area = (get(POSTMAN[1], "max_polygon_area", "") != "") ? parse(Float64, POSTMAN[1]["max_polygon_area"]) : 0.0
p_isgeog = (get(POSTMAN[1], "polygon_isgeog", "") != "") ? true : false
D, ds, get_area = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, Gdal.ngeom(dataset)), 1, false
D, ds, get_area = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, Gdal.ngeom(dataset)), 1, false
(get(POSTMAN[1], "sort_polygons", "") != "") && (polyg_area = zeros(length(D)); get_area = true)
proj = "" # Fk local vars inside for
for k = 1:Gdal.nlayer(dataset)
Expand All @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
get_area && (polyg_area[ds] = geomarea(geom)) # This area will NOT be what is expected if geom is known to be geog
# Maybe when nlayers > 1 or other cases, starting allocated size is not enough
len_D = isa(_D, GMTdataset) ? 1 : length(_D)
(len_D + ds >= length(D)) && append!(D, Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, round(Int, 0.5 * length(D))))
(len_D + ds >= length(D)) && append!(D, Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, round(Int, 0.5 * length(D))))
if isa(_D, GMTdataset)
D[ds] = _D
D[ds].geom = gt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ end
# would not be able to extract the data from the 'dataset'
function helper_read_XLSCSV(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)::GDtype
n_layers = Gdal.nlayer(dataset)
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_layers)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, n_layers)
local inds_r, inds_s # n^inf Fck. If I don't do this here errors are completly non-sensical.
for n_layer = 1:n_layers
layer = getlayer(dataset, n_layer-1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ Return a vector of GMTdatasets from a vector of WKT strings.
function readgeom(wkt::Vector{String})
n_ds = length(wkt)
D::Vector{GMTdataset} = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_ds)
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_ds)
for k = 1:n_ds
D[k] = gd2gmt(fromWKT(wkt[k]))
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/gmt_main.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ function ogr2GMTdataset(in::Ptr{OGR_FEATURES}, drop_islands=false)::Union{GMTdat
(n_islands > 0) && println("\tThis file has islands (holes in polygons).\n\tUse `gmtread(..., no_islands=true)` to ignore them.")

D::Vector{GMTdataset} = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_total_segments)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, n_total_segments)

n = 1
attrib = DictSvS(); # For the case there are no attribs at all.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1702,7 +1702,7 @@ Base.:show(io::IO, mime::MIME"image/png", wp::WrapperPluto) = write(io, read(wp.
# ---------- For Tables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Base.:names(D::GDtype) = isa(D, Vector) ? D[1].colnames : D.colnames
#Base.:names(D::GMTdataset) = D.colnames
#Base.:names(D::Vector{GMTdataset}) = D[1].colnames
#Base.:names(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}) = D[1].colnames

# ---------- For fck stop printing UInts in hexadecinal ---------------------------------------------, x::T) where {T<:Union{UInt, UInt128, UInt64, UInt32, UInt16, UInt8}} = Base.print(io, x)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gmt_types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Base.@kwdef struct GMTtypes
grd::GMTgrid = GMTgrid()
img::GMTimage = GMTimage()
ds::GMTdataset = GMTdataset()
dsv::Vector{GMTdataset} = [GMTdataset()]
dsv::Vector{GMTdataset::Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}} = [GMTdataset()]
cpt::GMTcpt = GMTcpt()
ps::GMTps = GMTps()
function GMTtypes(stored, grd, img, ds, dsv, cpt, ps)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gmtbegin.jl
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Expand Up @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ function zoom2inset(d, center)
bak = CTRL.limits[7:end] # Backup these because round_wesn will change them
nDS = (isa(data, Vector)) ? length(data) : 1
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, nDS)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, nDS)
zoom_lims::Vector{Float64} = [Inf, -Inf, Inf, -Inf]
for k = 1:nDS
if (nDS == 1)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/gmtselect.jl
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Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function clipbyrect(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}, limits; revert::Bool=false)
cross[k] = !in[k] && !out
revert && (in .= .!in)
Dclipped = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, sum(in)+sum(cross))
Dclipped = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, sum(in)+sum(cross))
m = 0
for k = 1:numel(D)
in[k] && (Dclipped[m+=1] = deepcopy(D[k]))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/grdinterpolate.jl
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Expand Up @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ function grdinterp_local_opt_S(arg1::GItype, pts::Vector{<:GMTdataset}, no_coord
# This whole thing needs further documentation and testing.
n_layers = size(arg1,3)
startcol = no_coords ? 0 : 2
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(pts))
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(pts))
DT = no_coords ? eltype(arg1) : eltype(pts[1]) # When we have coordinates, their type dominates.
(DT <: Integer) && (DT = eltype(pts[1])) # We don't want conversions to integers that are a pain. Specially if UInt8.
for n = 1:length(pts) # Loop over number of segments and initialize the output dataset vector
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/laszip/lazread.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Base.@kwdef struct lasout_types
stored::String = ""
grd::GMTgrid = GMTgrid()
ds::GMTdataset = GMTdataset()
dsv::Vector{GMTdataset} = [GMTdataset()]
dsv::Vector{GMTdataset{Float64}} = [GMTdataset()]
function lasout_types(stored, grd, ds, dsv)
stored = !isempty(grd) ? "grd" : (!isempty(ds) ? "ds" : (!isempty(dsv) ? "dsv" : ""))
new(stored, grd, ds, dsv)
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9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/lowess.jl
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Expand Up @@ -66,10 +66,7 @@ function lowess(x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}; span::T=2/3, nsteps:
c1::T = 0.0
r::T = 0.0

if (n < 2)
ys[1] = y[1]
return ys
(n < 2) && (ys[1] = y[1]; return ys)

ns = max(min(floor(Int, span * n), n), 2) # at least two, at most n points
for iter = 1:(nsteps + 1) # robustness iterations
Expand All @@ -93,9 +90,7 @@ function lowess(x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}; span::T=2/3, nsteps:
lowest(x, y, n, x[i + 1], ys, i, nleft, nright, res, (iter > 1), rw, ok)

# fitted value at x[i + 1]
if (ok == 0)
ys[i + 1] = y[i + 1]
(ok == 0) && (ys[i + 1] = y[i + 1])

# all weights zero - copy over value (all rw==0)
if (last < i - 1) # skipped points -- interpolate
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/pca.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ function kmeans(X::Union{GMTdataset, Matrix{<:Real}}, k=3; seeds=nothing, maxite

(raw) && return idx, centers, [classes [sum(idx .== classes[n]) for n = 1:numel(classes)]]

Dv = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(classes))
Dv = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(classes))
colnames = isa(X, GMTdataset) ? X.colnames : String[]
has_text = isa(X, GMTdataset) && !isempty(X.text)
for n = 1:numel(classes)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/pcolor.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function pcolor(X_::VMr, Y_::VMr, C::Union{Nothing, AbstractMatrix{<:Real}}, fir
[Y[k] -= yinc2 for k = 1:numel(Y)]; append!(Y, Y[end]+yinc)

D::Vector{GMTdataset}, k = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(C)), 0
D, k = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(C)), 0
if (isvector(X))
for col = 1:length(X)-1, row = 1:length(Y)-1 # Gdal.wkbPolygon = 3
if (k == 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,15 +283,15 @@ function boxes(X::VMr, Y::VMr, d::Dict{Symbol,Any})

n_tiles = isvector(X) ? (length(X) - 1)*(length(Y) - 1) : (size(X,1) - 1)*(size(X,2) - 1)
D::Vector{GMTdataset}, k = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_tiles), 0
D, k = Vector{GMTdataset{promote_type(eltype(X), eltype(Y)), 2}}(undef, n_tiles), 0
if (isvector(X))
for col = 1:length(X)-1, row = 1:length(Y)-1
(isautomask && Gmask.z[row, col] != mask_true) && continue
if (k == 0) D[k+=1] = mat2ds([X[col] Y[row]; X[col] Y[row+1]; X[col+1] Y[row+1]; X[col+1] Y[row]; X[col] Y[row]]; geom=3, d...)
else D[k+=1] = mat2ds([X[col] Y[row]; X[col] Y[row+1]; X[col+1] Y[row+1]; X[col+1] Y[row]; X[col] Y[row]]; geom=3)
k == 0 && return GMTdataset[]
k == 0 && return GMTdataset{eltype(,2}[]
(isautomask && k != (length(X)-1)*(length(Y)-1)) && deleteat!(D, k+1:n_tiles) # Remove the unused D's
D[1].ds_bbox = [X[1], X[end], Y[1], Y[end]]
isautomask && set_dsBB!(D, false)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/plot.jl
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Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function plot(arg1; first=true, kw...)
gidx, gnames = get_group_indices(d, arg1)
cycle_colors = (numel(gidx) <= 7) ? matlab_cycle_colors : simple_distinct # Will blow if > 20
if (!isempty(gidx))
Dv = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(gidx))
Dv = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(gidx))
for k = 1:numel(gidx)
Dv[k] = linearfitxy(mat2ds(arg1, (gidx[k], :)))
Dv[k].header = "-G"*cycle_colors[k] * " -W"*cycle_colors[k]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ function fill_between(arg1, arg2=nothing; first=true, kwargs...)
ind = find_the_pos(view(D1, :, 1), view(int, :, 1)) # Indices of the points before the intersections
n_crossings = size(ind,1)
Dsd = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_crossings+1)
Dsd = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, n_crossings+1)
ff = (D1[1,2] < D1[1,3]) ? 2 : 1
Dsd[1] = mat2ds([D1[1:ind[1], [1,2]]; int[1:1,1:2]; D1[ind[1]:-1:1, [1,3]]], fill=fill_colors[ff])
for k = 2:n_crossings
Expand All @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ function fill_between(arg1, arg2=nothing; first=true, kwargs...)
ind1 = find_the_pos(view(D1, :, 1), view(int, :, 1)) # Indices of the points before the intersections at line 1
ind2 = find_the_pos(view(D2, :, 1), view(int, :, 1)) # Indices of the points before the intersections at line 2
n_crossings = size(int,1)
Dsd = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_crossings+1)
Dsd = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, n_crossings+1)
ff = (D1[1,2] < D2[1,2]) ? 2 : 1
Dsd[1] = mat2ds([D1[1:ind1[1], [1,2]]; int[1:1,1:2]; D2[ind2[1]:-1:1, [1,2]]], fill=fill_colors[ff])
for k = 2:n_crossings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ function helper_hvband(mat::Matrix{<:Real}, tipo="v"; width=false, height=false,
else ind_w, ind_b, ind_t, thick, bB = 9:10, 7, 9, height != 0, "B"

D::Vector{GMTdataset} = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_ds)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, n_ds)
for k = 1:n_ds
w = (thick) ? mat[k,2] : (percent != 0) ? mat[k,2]*diff(CTRL.limits[ind_w]) : mat[k,2]-mat[k,1] # bar width
i = rem(k, length(colors)); (i == 0) && (i = length(colors))
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/proj_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ buffergeo(D::GMTdataset; width=0, unit=:m, np=120, flatstart=false, flatend=fals
buffergeo(; width=width, unit=unit, np=np, flatstart=flatstart, flatend=flatend, proj=D.proj4, epsg=epsg, tol=tol)

function buffergeo(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; width=0, unit=:m, np=120, flatstart=false, flatend=false, epsg::Integer=0, tol=-1.0)
_D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(D))
_D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(D))
for k = 1:length(D)
_D[k] = buffergeo(D[k].data; width=width, unit=unit, np=np, flatstart=flatstart, flatend=flatend,
proj=D[1].proj4, epsg=epsg, tol=tol)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ geodesic(ds::Gdal.AbstractDataset; step=0.0, unit=:m, np=0, proj::String="", eps

function geodesic(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; step=0.0, unit=:m, np=0, proj::String="", epsg::Integer=0,
_D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, length(D))
_D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, length(D))
for k = 1:length(D)
_D[k] = mat2ds(geodesic(D[k].data; step=step, unit=unit, np=np, proj = (proj == "") ? D[k].proj4 : proj,
epsg=epsg, longest=longest))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ function helper_gdirect(projPJ_ptr, lonlat, azim, dist, proj_string, isgeog, dat
(length(dist) != n_lines) && (proj_destroy(projPJ_ptr);error("Number of distance vectors MUST be equal to number of azimuths"))
Vdist = dist
D = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_lines)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64,2}}(undef, n_lines)
for nl = 1:n_lines
n_pts = length(Vdist[nl]) # Number of points in this line
dest = Array{Float64}(undef, n_pts, 3) # Azimuth goes into the D too
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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/psxy.jl
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Expand Up @@ -404,7 +404,8 @@ function parse_plot_callers(d, gmt_proggy, caller, is3D, O, arg1)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function plt_txt_attrib!(D::GDtype, d::Dict, _cmd::Vector{String})
plt_txt_attrib!(D::GMTdataset, d::Dict, _cmd::Vector{String}) = plt_txt_attrib!([D], d, _cmd)
function plt_txt_attrib!(D::Vector{<:GMTdataset}, d::Dict, _cmd::Vector{String})
# Plot TEXT attributed labels and serve as function barrier agains to f Anys
((val = find_in_dict(d, [:labels])[1]) === nothing) && return nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1725,7 +1726,7 @@ because we may want to see the inside of a top surface.
and `x` and `y` are in degrees, case in which an automatic projection takes place, or in meters. We need this
if we want that the normal compuations makes sense.
function sort_visible_triangles(Dv::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; del_hidden=false, zfact=1.0)::Vector{GMTdataset}
function sort_visible_triangles(Dv::Vector{<:GMTdataset}; del_hidden=false, zfact=1.0)
azim, elev = parse.(Float64, split(CURRENT_VIEW[1][4:end], '/'))
sin_az, cos_az, sin_el = sind(azim), cosd(azim), sind(elev)
prj, wkt, epsg = Dv[1].proj4, Dv[1].wkt, Dv[1].epsg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1818,14 +1819,14 @@ or, to plot them
viz(FV, replicate=(centers=rand(10,3)*10, scales=0.1))
function replicant(FV::GMTfv; kwargs...)::Vector{GMTdataset} # For direct calls to replicat()
function replicant(FV::GMTfv; kwargs...) # For direct calls to replicat()
d = KW(kwargs)
(is_in_dict(d, [:p :view :perspective]) === nothing) && (CURRENT_VIEW[1] = " -p217.5/30")
replicant(FV, d)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function replicant(FV::GMTfv, d::Dict{Symbol, Any})::Vector{GMTdataset}
function replicant(FV::GMTfv, d::Dict{Symbol, Any})
(val = find_in_dict(d, [:replicate])[1]) === nothing && error("Can't replicate without the 'replicate' option")

cpt::GMTcpt = GMTcpt()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1867,16 +1868,16 @@ function replicant(FV::GMTfv, d::Dict{Symbol, Any})::Vector{GMTdataset}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function replicant_worker(FV::GMTfv, xyz, azim, elev, cval, cpt, scales)::Vector{GMTdataset}
function replicant_worker(FV::GMTfv, xyz, azim, elev, cval, cpt, scales)
# This guy is the one who does the replicant work

FV, normals = sort_visible_faces(FV, azim, elev) # Return a modified FV containing info about the sorted visible faces.

n_faces_tot = sum(size.(FV.faces_view, 1)) # Total number of segments or faces (polygons)

# ---------- First we convert the FV into a vector of GMTdataset
D1 = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, n_faces_tot)
t = zeros(eltype(FV.verts), maximum(size.(FV.faces_view,2)), 3) # The maximum number of vertices in any polygon of all geometries
D1 = Vector{GMTdataset{eltype(t),2}}(undef, n_faces_tot)
count_face = 0

for geom = 1:numel(FV.faces_view) # If we have more than one type of geometries (e.g. triangles and quadrangles)
Expand All @@ -1894,7 +1895,7 @@ function replicant_worker(FV::GMTfv, xyz, azim, elev, cval, cpt, scales)::Vector
P::Ptr{GMT_PALETTE} = palette_init(G_API[1], cpt) # A pointer to a GMT CPT
rgb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
cor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
D2 = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, size(xyz, 1) * n_faces_tot)
D2 = Vector{GMTdataset{promote_type(eltype(xyz), eltype(scales), eltype(t)),2}}(undef, size(xyz, 1) * n_faces_tot)

# ---------- Now we do the replication
for k = 1:size(xyz, 1) # Loop over number of positions. For each of these we have a new body
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/spatial_funs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ A GMTdatset if only one polygon was passed or a Vector{GMTaset} otherwise.
randinpolygon(mat::Matrix{<:AbstractFloat}; density=0.1, np::Int=0) = randinpolygon(mat2ds(mat); density=density, np=np)
function randinpolygon(Din::GDtype; density=0.1, np::Int=0)

D::Vector{GMTdataset} = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, isa(Din, Vector) ? length(Din) : 1)
D = Vector{GMTdataset{Float64, 2}}(undef, isa(Din, Vector) ? length(Din) : 1)

function get_the_points(_D, dx, dy, density, np, isgeo)
# Points are returned in same data types as those of _D
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