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File with lowess smother filter.
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joa-quim committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 4a0144d commit 931778e
Showing 1 changed file with 254 additions and 0 deletions.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions src/lowess.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# From with some (few) modifications.
lowess(x, y, span = 2 / 3, nsteps = 3, delta = 0.01 * (maximum(x) - minimum(x)))
Compute the smooth of a scatterplot of `y` against `x` using robust locally weighted regression. Input vectors `x` and `y` must contain either integers or floats. Parameters `span` and `delta` must be of type `T`, where `T <: AbstractFloat`. Returns a vector `ys`; `ys[i]` is the fitted value at `x[i]`. To get the smooth plot, `ys` must be plotted against `x`.
# Arguments
- `x::Vector`: Abscissas of the points on the scatterplot. `x` must be ordered.
- `y::Vector`: Ordinates of the points in the scatterplot.
- `span::T`: The amount of smoothing.
- `nsteps::Integer`: Number of iterations in the robust fit.
- `delta::T`: A nonnegative parameter which may be used to save computations.
# Example
x = sort(10 .* rand(100))
y = sin.(x) .+ 0.5 * rand(100)
ys = lowess(x, y, span=0.2)
scatter(x, y)
plot!(x, ys)
function lowess(D::GMTdataset; span=2/3, nsteps=3, delta=0.0)
(delta == 0.0) && (delta = 0.01 * (D.bbox[2] - D.bbox[1]))
lowess(view(, :, 1), view(, :, 2); span=span, nsteps=nsteps, delta=delta)

function lowess(x::AbstractVector{R}, y::AbstractVector{S}; span::T=2/3, nsteps::Integer=3,
delta::T = 0.01 * (maximum(x) - minimum(x))) where {R <: Real, S <: Real, T <: AbstractFloat}
lowess((R <: AbstractFloat) ? x : Vector{Float64}(x), (S <: AbstractFloat) ? y : Vector{Float64}(y); span=span, nsteps=nsteps, delta=delta)

function lowess(x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}; span::T=2/3, nsteps::Integer=3,
delta::T = 0.01 * (maximum(x) - minimum(x))) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
# defining needed variables

n::Int = length(x)
ys::Vector{T} = Vector{T}(undef, n)
rw::Vector{T} = Vector{T}(undef, n)
res::Vector{T} = Vector{T}(undef, n)

iter::Int = 0
ok::Vector{Int} = Vector{Int}(undef, 1)
# for safety, initialize ok to 0
ok[1] = 0

i::Int = 0
j::Int = 0
last::Int = 0
m1::Int = 0
m2::Int = 0
nleft::Int = 0
nright::Int = 0
ns::Int = 0
d1::T = 0.0
d2::T = 0.0
denom::T = 0.0
alpha::T = 0.0
cut::T = 0.0
cmad::T = 0.0
c9::T = 0.0
c1::T = 0.0
r::T = 0.0

if (n < 2)
ys[1] = y[1]
return ys

ns = max(min(floor(Int, span * n), n), 2) # at least two, at most n points
for iter = 1:(nsteps + 1) # robustness iterations
nleft = 0
nright = ns - 1
last = -1 # index of prev estimated point
i = 0 # index of current point

while true
while (nright < n - 1)
# move nleft, nright to right if radius decreases
d1 = x[i + 1] - x[nleft + 1]
d2 = x[nright + 2] - x[i + 1]
# if d1 <= d2 with x[nright + 2] == x[nright + 1], lowest fixes
(d1 <= d2) && break
# radius will not decrease by move right
nleft = nleft + 1
nright = nright + 1

lowest(x, y, n, x[i + 1], ys, i, nleft, nright, res, (iter > 1), rw, ok)

# fitted value at x[i + 1]
if (ok == 0)
ys[i + 1] = y[i + 1]

# all weights zero - copy over value (all rw==0)
if (last < i - 1) # skipped points -- interpolate
denom = x[i + 1] - x[last + 1] # non-zero - proof?
j = last + 1
for t = (last + 1):(i - 1) # t = j at all times
alpha = (x[j + 1] - x[last + 1]) / denom
ys[j + 1] = alpha * ys[i + 1] + (1.0 - alpha) * ys[last + 1]
j = j + 1

last = i # last point actually estimated
cut = x[last + 1] + delta # x coord of close points

# find close points
i = last + 1
for t = (last + 1):(n - 1) # t = i at all times
if (x[i + 1] > cut) # i one beyond last pt within cut

if (x[i + 1] == x[last + 1])
ys[i + 1] = ys[last + 1]
last = i
i = i + 1
i = max(last + 1, i - 1)

# back 1 point so interpolation within delta, but always go forward
# check do while loop condition
(last < n - 1) || break

# residuals
for i = 0:(n - 1)
res[i + 1] = y[i + 1] - ys[i + 1]

(iter > nsteps) && break # compute robustness weights except last time

for i = 0:(n - 1)
rw[i + 1] = abs(res[i + 1])


m1 = floor(1 + n / 2)
m2 = n - m1 + 1
cmad = 3.0 * (rw[m1 + 1] + rw[m2 + 1]) # 6 median abs resid
c9 = 0.999 * cmad
c1 = 0.001 * cmad
for i = 0:(n - 1)
r = abs(res[i + 1])
if (r <= c1) # near 0, avoid underflow
rw[i + 1] = 1.0
elseif (r > c9) # near 1, avoid underflow
rw[i + 1] = 0.0
rw[i + 1] = (1.0 - (r / cmad)^2)^2
return ys

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function lowest(x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}, n::Integer, xs::T, ys::AbstractVector{T},
ys_pos::Integer, nleft::Integer, nright::Integer, w::AbstractVector{T}, userw::Bool, rw::AbstractVector{T},
ok::Vector{Int}) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
b::T = 0.0
c::T = 0.0
r::T = 0.0
nrt::Int = 0

# Julia indexing starts at 1, so add 1 to all indexes
range::T = x[n] - x[1]
h::T = max(xs - x[nleft + 1], x[nright + 1] - xs)
h9::T = 0.999 * h
h1::T = 0.001 * h

# compute weights (pick up all ties on right)
a::T = 0.0 # sum of weights
j::Int = nleft # initialize j

for i = nleft:(n - 1) # i = j at all times
w[j + 1] = 0.0
r = abs(x[j + 1] - xs) # replaced fabs with abs
if (r <= h9) # small enough for non-zero weight
if (r > h1)
w[j + 1] = (1.0 - (r / h)^3)^3
w[j + 1] = 1.0
if (userw)
w[j + 1] = rw[j + 1] * w[j + 1]
a += w[j + 1]
elseif (x[j + 1] > xs) # get out at first zero wt on right
j = j + 1

nrt = j - 1 # rightmost pt (may be greater than nright because of ties)
if (a <= 0.0)
ok[1] = 0 # ok is a 1 length vector
else # weighted least squares
ok[1] = 1

# make sum of w[j + 1] == 1
j = nleft
for i = nleft:nrt # i = j at all times
w[j + 1] = w[j + 1] / a
j = j + 1

if (h > 0.0) # use linear fit
# find weighted center of x values
j = nleft
a = 0.0
for i = nleft:nrt # i = j at all times
a += w[j + 1] * x[j + 1]
j = j + 1

b = xs - a

j = nleft
c = 0.0
for i = nleft:nrt # i = j at all times
c += w[j + 1] * (x[j + 1] - a) * (x[j + 1] - a)
j = j + 1

if (sqrt(c) > 0.001 * range)
# points are spread out enough to compute slope
b = b / c

j = nleft
for i = nleft:nrt # i = j at all times
w[j + 1] = w[j + 1] * (1.0 + b * (x[j + 1] - a))
j = j + 1

j = nleft
ys[ys_pos + 1] = 0.0
for i = nleft:nrt # i = j at all times
ys[ys_pos + 1] += w[j + 1] * y[j + 1]
j = j + 1

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