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Add a whittaker function to do Whittaker-Henderson smoothing and inte…
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joa-quim committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 7e6ca64 commit 9e699a0
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ GDAL_jll = "a7073274-a066-55f0-b90d-d619367d196c"
PROJ_jll = "58948b4f-47e0-5654-a9ad-f609743f8632"
Ghostscript_jll = "61579ee1-b43e-5ca0-a5da-69d92c66a64b"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
LASzip_jll = "8372b9c3-1e34-5cc3-bfab-1a98e101de11"
Leptonica_jll = "6a1430e4-294a-53a5-a485-ec66ef6b843c"

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136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions src/whittaker.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
Dout = whittaker(D::GMTdataset, lambda, d=2; weights=nothing)
z = whittaker(x::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, y::VecOrMat{<:Real}, lambda, d=2; weights=nothing)
Perform a Whittaker-Henderson smoothing and interpolation.
### Args
- `D`: A GMTdatset with a `x,y` data series.
- `x,y`: In alternative to the `D` form, pass vectors of `x` and `y`.
- `lambda`: Smoothing parameter; large lambda gives smoother result.
- `d`: Order of differences (default = 2).
### Kwargs
- `weights`: Weights (0/1 for missing/non-missing data). Note, if input `y` contains NaNs, we replace them
by a another flag value and automatically set `w`.
### Citations
- A Perfect Smoother (
- 'Smoothing and interpolation with finite differences'. Eilers P. H. C, 1994. (
- Transtaled to Julia from Matlab code from 'A Perfect Smoother'. Paul H. C. Eilers. Analytical Chemistry 2003 75 (14), 3631-3636. DOI: 10.1021/ac034173t
### Examples
D = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "/assets/nmr_with_weights_and_x.csv");
D2 = whittaker(D, 2e4, 2);
D3 = whittaker(D, 2e4, 3);
plot!(D2, lc=:red, lt=1, legend="Degree 2", plot=(data=D3, lc=:blue, lt=1, legend="Degree 3"), show=1)
t = 2001:0.003:2007;
_v = 5*cospi.((t .- 2000)/2); v = _v + (5*rand(length(t)) .- 2.5);
v[2002.6 .< t .< 2003.4] .= NaN;
z = whittaker(t, v, 0.01, 3);
plot(t, v, legend="Noisy", plot=(data=[t _v], lc=:green, lt=1, legend="Original"), show=1)
plot!(t, z, lc=:red, lt=1, legend="Degree 3", show=1)
function whittaker(D::GMTdataset, lambda, d=2; weights=nothing)
indNaN = isnan.(view(, :, 2))
gotNaN = any(indNaN)
if (!gotNaN)
z = whittaker(view(, :, 1), view(, :, 2), lambda, d, weights=weights, checkedNaN=true)
y =[:, 2]; y[indNaN] .= zero(eltype(;
w = weights === nothing ? Int32.(.!indNaN) : (weights[indNaN] .= zero(eltype(
z = whittaker(view(, :, 1), y, lambda, d, weights=w, checkedNaN=true)
z[indNaN] .= NaN # Restore the original NaNs
Dout = deepcopy(D)[:, 2] = z
return Dout

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function whittaker(x::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, y::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, lambda, d=2; weights=nothing, checkedNaN::Bool=false)
y, gotNaN, indNaN, weights = helper_whits(y, weights, checkedNaN) # Check NaNs and take measures if yes
m = length(y)
D = ddmat(x, d)
if (weights === nothing)
E = sparse(I*one(eltype(y)), m, m)
C = cholesky(E + lambda * D' * D)
z = C \ (C' \ y)
W = spdiagm(m, m, 0 => weights)
C = cholesky(W + lambda * D' * D)
z = C \ (C' \ (weights .*y))
(gotNaN) && (y[indNaN] .= NaN)
return z

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-documented and possibly to be commented as it produces weird results.
# D = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "/assets/nmr_with_weights_and_x.csv");
# z1 = whittaker(D[:,2], 2e4);
# z2 = whittaker(D[:,2], 2e4, 3);
# plot(D)
# plot!(D[:,1], z1, lc=:red, lt=1, plot=(data=[D[:,1] z2], lc=:blue, lt=1), title="NMR spectrum and optimal smooth", show=1)
function whittaker(y::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real}, lambda, d=2; weights=nothing, checkedNaN::Bool=false)
y, gotNaN, indNaN, weights = helper_whits(y, weights, checkedNaN) # Check NaNs and take measures if yes
m = length(y);
E = sparse(I*one(eltype(y)), m, m)
D = diff(E, dims=1);
for k = 2:d D = diff(D, dims=1) end
if (weights === nothing)
C = cholesky(E + lambda * D' * D)
z = C \ (C' \ y)
W = spdiagm(m, m, 0 => weights)
C = cholesky(W + lambda * D' * D);
z = C \ (C' \ (weights .* y));
(gotNaN) && (y[indNaN] .= NaN)
return z

function helper_whits(y, weights, checkedNaN)
gotNaN, indNaN = false, [false, false]
if (!checkedNaN)
indNaN = isnan.(y)
if ((gotNaN = any(indNaN)))
y[indNaN] .= zero(eltype(y))
weights = (weights === nothing) ? Int32.(.!indNaN) : (weights[indNaN] .= zero(eltype(weights)))
return y, gotNaN, indNaN, weights

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ddmat(x, d)
# Compute divided differencing matrix of order d
# x: vector of sampling positions
# d: order of diffferences
# Output
# D: the matrix; D * Y gives divided differences of order d
# Paul Eilers, 2003

m = length(x)
if (d == 0)
D = sparse(I*one(eltype(x)), m, m)
dx = x[(d + 1):m] - x[1:(m - d)]
V = spdiagm(m - d, m - d, 0 => 1 ./ dx)
D = V * diff(ddmat(x, d - 1), dims=1)
return D

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