Releases: GenesisFR/KeyToggles
+ added a debug setting to close the script (ALT+F10) and reload it (ALT+F11)
+ added an option to force the script to run as admin
+ added an option to show a notification when hooking a window
* fixed an issue where clicks wouldn't work outside the window when it was still active and one of the mouse clicks was toggled
* fixed an issue where toggle keys were only saved/restored if the aim key was set to toggle mode
* fixed multiple issues where system key combinations were not (properly) working when toggle keys were modifiers and were toggled
- the script will now exit with an error message if the window name isn't specified
+ added key hold support
+ added autofire support
+ added a setting to control how often to check whether the window has focus or not
* fixed an issue where hotkeys were no longer working after restarting a game
* fixed an issue where hotkeys were no longer working after quitting a game from the desktop
- restoreTogglesOnFocus is now disabled by default
- major code refactoring
- renamed to KeyToggles
+ added support for custom hotkeys
+ added default toggle states (all enabled)
+ added default keys (RButton, LCtrl and LShift)
+ added beeps when suspending/resuming the script
- changed suspend key combination to ALT+F12
- compiled script in Unicode 32-bit (instead of Unicode 64-bit)
- lowered compiled script size by 60% (through MPRESS compression)