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Alejandra Garcia Rojas M edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 17 revisions

For installing the GeoKnow Generator Workbench you can have a preconfigured system within a debian package, or you can make your own configuration from sources.

Installing from the Debian Repository

The GeoKnow Generator UI is available in the Linked Data Stack repository. It supports the Ubuntu 14.04, 64bit LTS operating system. You need to install repository distribution described here. Then, you need to install the components in the following order:

  1. Virtuoso, set super user as dba/dba preferaby, as the workbench has these creedencials precinfigured, otherwise you may requre to configure the workbench later:

     # install virtioso with dba/dba as user/password
     sudo apt-get install virtuoso-opensource

     # installing FAGI
     sudo apt-get install fagi-gis-common
     sudo apt-get install fagi-gis
     sudo apt-get install fagi-gis-service
  3. FACETE2 : Facete2 is installed separately because it requires input from the user to define user/password for the postgres database that is used for??

     # installing FACETE2
     sudo apt-get install facete2-tomcat7
  4. Sparqlify: Sparqlify is installed separately because it requires input from the user to define user/password for the postgres database that is used for??

     # installing Sparqlify
     sudo apt-get install sparqlify-tomcat7
  5. GeoKnow Generator: this package will install: spring-batch-admin-geoknow, coevolution-debian-package, limes-service, deer-service, triplegeo-service, and esta-ld

     # installing the geoknow generator workbench
     sudo apt-get install geoknow-generator-ui
  6. increase the java memory as described here

  7. Now the software is installed, now you need to setup the workbench.

  8. Restart tomcat in order that Workbench dependencies are correctly reloaded

  9. Now you can login to with admin/generatorfinal

Install form source

This installation will only install the Workbench web application, you are required to install the dependencies first.

Mandatory dependencies:

Optional dependencies:

For installing from sources you can:

  1. Clone this repository or download a specific release,
  2. follow the configuration instructions and
  3. use maven package to package the sources in a war file and deploy it on a servlet container.
  4. increase the java memory as described here
  5. once the software is installed, now you need to setup the workbench.

Tomcat Java Memory

It is required that you increase your Java heap memory in tomcat. We recommend to use 2Gb of memory since several applications are using tomcat. You need to edit the default tomcat configuration:

	sudo gedit /etc/default/tomcat7

and set the following JAVA_OPTS:

	JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx2g -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"

and restart tomcat:

	sudo service tomcat7 restart


User Guide



  • Dashboard
  • Import RDF
  • Sparqlify
  • TripleGeo-Sercvice
  • Virtuoso SPARQL Endpoint
  • Mapify
  • Facete
  • OntoWiki
  • FAGI-gis
  • DEER
  • Public-Private Data Coevolution

Developers Guide

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