Credits: João Gaspar,
The following steps assume that the user will keep the suggested installation/deploy paths. If there is the necessity to use custom installatin/deploy paths then a number of configuration files (Apache, PHP) will need to be modified. This guide also assumes that on the Windows machine being used there aren't any other programs/services running on port 80.
Download the OSGeo4W 64 bit installer:
Install the packages "qgis-ltr", "qgis-ltr-server", "gdal204dll" and "fcgi", let the installer manage the installation of dependencies
Copy the "webserver" folder inside the C: drive
Start the Apache web server by double clicking (as administrator) the file C:\webserver\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe
As option Apache can be installed as Windows service by running (from the Windows console, launched as administrator) the following command:
C:\webserver\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe -k install
After that Apache can be started/stopped from the Windows Services control panel or from the Windows console unsing the command httpd.exe -k start
- Open a browser and test if Apache works:
- Test if PHP works:
- Test if QGIS Server works:
- Using a Windows console, launched as administrator, go to the Lizmap Web Client folder
cd C:\webserver\www\lizmap
and then run the following command
C:\webserver\php73\php.exe lizmap/install/installer.php
- Test if Lizmap Web Client works:
- On a completely clean Window 10 machine you can get an error message about missing some library. If is the case just download and install them from the MS web site: