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A database deployment tool for static weather stations data and API access for climatecharts. The project consists of two subprojects:

  • api: An REST-API for access to the weatherstations data build on Java Servlet API.
  • populate_db: A Django project to load and handle the weatherstations database


The project is build for a servlet engine like Tomcat.

Use the IDE of your choice (recommend Eclipse) to edit the files in the folder /api. To build the war file use on the command line mvn clean install or the IDEs capabilities. Copy the weatherstations-api.war from folder /api/target to the servlet engine of your choice.


Call the url http://server_ip:server_port/weaterstations-api/ for a short overview of the capabilities of the servlet.

  • /getAllStations: returns a JSON file with all available stations
  • /getStationData: returns a JSON file with available temperature and precipitation data for a certain station within a given timer period. Use the follwing parameters:
    • stationId: on of the IDs from getAllStations
    • minYear: minimum year for the time period
    • maxYear: maximum year for the time period


This project is build on Django with the following additional libraries: haversine, psycopg2, pandas, numpy, sqlalchemy.


For the correct usage a postgresql database with postgis installed and external datasets are necessary.

Python libraries

It is necessary to have the required python libraries installed on the system. Use the follwing command (or and equivalent for another system):

sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r /populate_db/requirements.txt


For the correct usage of populate_db it is required to have a default data structure with the latest datasets. We use the monthly average temperature and precipitation datasets from Global Historical Climatology Network. Please create the following folder structure in /populate_db:

+-- GHCN_monthly_prec
|   +-- ghcn-m_v4_prcp_inventory.txt
|   +-- v4_raw
|   |   +-- single CSV files
+-- GHCN_monthly_temp
|   +-- ghcnm.tavg.v4.0.1.latest.qcf.dat
|   +-- ghcnm.tavg.v4.0.1.latest.qcf.inv
+-- meta
|   +-- ghcnm-countries.txt
+-- qgis

Download the datasets from:


The existence of a PostgreSQL database with PostgGIS installed is mandatory. Create a database named climatecharts_weatherstations with PostGIS installed.

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE climatecharts_weatherstations"
sudo -u postgres psql -d climatecharts_weatherstations -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

Connect Django to the database:

python populate_db/ makemigrations
python populate_db/ migrate


The project provides different commands to handle the data. Use them with the following syntax (within the projects root folder):

python populate_db/ <command> <option>
  • convert_data: Converts precipitation beta 4 data into a suitable format.
  • export: Export the climate database as csv file
  • load_data <option>: Populates the database with initial data. Use the following options as <option>:
    • A: populate everything (stations -> temperature -> precipitation)
    • S: populate only stations (N.B: deletes temperature and precipitation data!)
    • D: (re)populate temperature and precipitation
  • statistics: create statistics about the quality of the data in the climate database
  • update_stations: update the climate database with statistically relevant data

For a newly created database it is recommended to run the load_data A command followed by the update_stations command.

To transfer the data from development database to production database use the following commands:

# on development machine
# use the option -format=custom for a compressed version
sudo -u postgres pg_dump --data-only --format=plain --table=populate_db_station --table=populate_db_stationdata --table=populate_db_stationduplicate climatecharts_weatherstations > uptodatedata.sql

# on production machine
sudo -u postgres psql -d climatecharts_weatherstations -f uptodatedata.sql


The WeatherStations project is lincensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Java Libraries

This project uses a collection of Java libraries:

  • javax.servlet 4.0.1 - GPL2
  • org.json 20220924 - JSON
  • commons-io 2.11.0 - Apache 2.0
  • org.apache.httpcomponents 4.5.13 - Apache 2.0
  • com.sun.jersey 1.19 - GPL 1.1
  • junit 4.13.1 - EPL 1.0
  • org.postgresql 42.5.0 - BSD 2-clause
  • javax.xml.bind 2.3.1 - CDDL 1.1

Python Libraries

This project uses a collection of Python libraries:

  • django - BSD license
  • haversine - MIT license
  • psycopg2 - LGPL license
  • pandas - BSD license
  • numpy - BSD license
  • sqlalchemy - MIT license


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