A tmux plugin inspired by vim-airline.
I realised I should offload some configuration into a specific plugin to be installed via tpm
Based on a theme by Jim Myhrberg [email protected].
I have worked hard to match vim
with vim-airline
and the Solarized Dark colour theme.
This is the left side of the status bar. The previous window title is blue, windows where a process has rung the bell are magenta:
This is the right side of the status bar, with date, time and hostname:
Requires a powerline compatible font and true colour terminal.
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf
set -g @plugin 'GeorgeHJ/tmux-airline'
Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. You should see immediate cosmetic changes due to the plugin.
There are currently no options to set—watch this space!