15 commits
to master
since this release
GA-AEM v2.0.0-Release-20240424
- Functionality changes to deterministic inversion program (galeisbstdem.exe)
- Added XZ amplitude inversion functionality.
- Added Bunch-by-bunch inversion functionality.
- More conservative (better) line search.
- Model parameter bounds and log-barrier constraint.
- More sanity checks on inputs and warning log output.
- Usability and convenience improvements.
- Zero and null data handling (for potentially culled data).
- Pass-through selected ancillary fields from input to output file.
- Input ASEGGDF2 DFN, HDR and CSV headers supported.
- Field names can be specified instead of column numbers.
- DFN, HDR, CSV and i3 output file headers.
- Vertical similarity/homogeneity constraints.
- Experimental output to GA's NetCDF line data format.
- Experimental delayed geometry inversion option.
- Experimental cable length constraint.
- Functionality changes to stochastic inversion program (garjmcmctdem.exe).
- Parallel tempering added.
- NetCDF file output of probability maps for selected soundings.
- Induced polarization forward-modelling (not inversion) capability added.
- Available in Matlab interface.
- Available in Python interface.
- Post-processing of inversion results programs added.
- GoCAD SGrid generation.
- Georeferenced section generation.
- Generation of rudimentary layer, depth slice and elevation slice grids.
- Generation of curtain images sections for GA's EarthSci and Portal.
- CMake build system supported and traditional Makefiles deprecated.
- For Windows users who do not wish to compile the programs themselves a package of pre-built Windows binaries are available for download from GitHub here.