SceneItAll 🎬
SceneItAll is a sleek, modern movie browsing application that allows users to search, discover, and browse movies seamlessly. With a user-friendly interface and integration with movie databases, SceneItAll provides movie enthusiasts with all the information they need, including movie overviews, release dates, and castings.
Features ✨
🎥 New and Trending: Check out Trending movies and all the New Releases.
🔍 Search & Discover: Find movies by title.
📖 Detailed Information: View comprehensive details like plot, cast, release date, rating, and runtime.
❤️ I've SceneIt: Add movies to your WatchList to watch later, or check movies as "SceneIt" if you've watched the movie.
🌑 Dark Mode: A sleek, easy-on-the-eyes dark mode for comfortable browsing.
Screenshots 📸
API Integration 🌐
SceneItAll uses the TMDb API to fetch movie data.
Technologies Used 🛠️
Flutter and Dart - Coding the Application TMDb API – For movie data
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contact 📬
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.