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This template allows the easy creation of classes implementing AoC solutions, by deriving from a shared Day class. The design is such that a program argument (number) controls which day (1-25) of the puzzles should be run.

The template also contains functionality to benchmark performance of a solution.

Workflow / Use of this template:

When you are adding a solution for a day (day N)

  1. Create a folder named day_NN where N is your day number extended to two digits (ex. day_02, day_11)
  2. In the folder create a file named dayN.txt. Here you must paste the program input provided by AoC.
  3. In the folder create a blank file named day_N.hpp.
    1. Copy-paste into this the contents of _template/template.cpp
    2. Replace the #define DAY 0 with #define DAY N.
  4. In day_defs.hpp replace swap PLACEHOLD(N) with its commented-out counterpart #include "day_NN/day_N.hpp".

A basic example of this is given in the template by already creating Day 1 with this flow.

When you are writing a solution for a day

You will usually be able to implement a solution with just the day_N.hpp header file, especially if you are willing to define supporting structs and operator overloads (if needed) in the same file. If you need to use extra files, remember to update the CMakeLists.txt. You would need to update the add_executable line to reference any newly added source (.cpp) files.

First implement a solution for parsing the program input. The superclass creates an input stream of the dayN.txt file of the folder it is in, and hands it to the parse function of your dayN class. The purpose of this function is usually to convert the text file into relevant member variables you created for solving this problem. This is also why it is not marked const.

When this is done, you can implement a solution to the initial puzzle of the day in the v1() function. To 'return' a solution, use the superclass reportSolution function. The only requirement of this template function is that the reported object has an operator<< for std::cout operations, but usually AoC only requires you to report numbers or strings.

The reported solution will be printed to standard out, letting you copy it into the answer box of the puzzle.

If your answer is correct, AoC reveals a second part of the puzzle. This is usually a non-trivial twist of the problem. Implement it in v2 just like you did for v1.

To enable benchmarking, the v1() and v2() functions must be immutable. Hence, they are marked const. If you need to mutate any information that was parsed into member variables by parse(), you must make a local copy of it, or consider a different approach.

When you are running a solution for a day

Without any runtime arguments, the program will not run your solution. You can provide the following arguments:

[rootFolder] [solve|bench|bench_all] [dayNumber] (bench_sample_size)

rootFolder - String. Absolute path to your code. Needed to grab /day_NN/dayN.txt files.

solve|bench|bench_all - String. Execution mode. For just running a solution, use solve. For benchmarking (next section), use bench. bench_all is an advanced mode, refer to the benchEverything function in main.cpp.

dayNumber - Number. The day to operate on. For day N, use N.

bench_sample_size - Number, optional. Overrides the default 10,000 samples for bench mode.

When you are benchmarking a solution for a day

Just use the bench argument instead of solve to get started! Adjust bench_sample_size if necessary.

Text parsing is only done once before benchmarking v1 and v2 respectively, but benchmarking also tests parsing performance before this. In case your parsing function modifies rather than sets any class member variables, multiple parsing runs will cause incorrect behavior. When this is the case, it is necessary to implement parseBenchReset() to clear variables in between runs. It is called each time a parsing run is done during the benchmarking of parse().

For the best performance results, remember to use release rather than debug build configurations.


C++ Template repo to participate in AoC






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