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AngularJs directive to show a treeview like structure of an item. Uses the bootstrap-UI collapse directive for a nice sliding animation. This treeView has now been updated to NOT change the data in the treeView. Some other tree view directives add different properties to the data to show the expanded/selected nodes, but this treeview will leave your data alone and uses a service to determine when a node is collapsed/selected.



To use the directive you must have the following angular-ui bootstrap directives included already

  • Collapse

You should already have the ui.bootstrap dependancy included in your app.js file like below, You then need to add ui.bootstrap.treeview, as so

angular.module('app', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.treeview']);

Download the source from dist/tree-view.min.js file and include it in your project.

Or use bower

bower install bootstrap-ui-treeview -S

and link with bower_components/bootstrap-ui-treeview/dist/treeview.min.js


You have the following properties available to use with the directive. All are optional unless stated otherwise

  • treeService (required) - Your treeService which contains the data to display
  • nodeLabel - (string)
  • itemClass - (string)
  • itemNgInclude (string)
  • emptyMessage (string)
  • emptyClass (string)

The name of the property that you want to display for each item


A string if you want to include an include for each repeated item. Each item is referenced as a node and you can reference any property within that node


A string if you want to apply a css class to each item. This is needed to format items better if you use pull-right in your itemNgInclude template, you can then use pull-left on the item

Each item must have a children property, this is what will contain a further list of more items.


The treeService has been redeveloped so that none of the treeView data is actually changed. Previously a selected and collapsed property would be added to each node of data, this is now not the case. The service has the following properties available.


The data that you want to display in the treeView. This is now required.


The node that is currently selected


This is an array of all the nodes that are current collapsed

collapseTo (node)

Function to expand all parent nodes in a branch until the selectedNode is found


In order for you to add styles to the tree-view, each tree-view is created with a className of tree-view. You can override any styling you want, by creating your own css.

If you would like to use a bootstrap dropdown (or another element that uses collapse class) within an item-ng-include template, the dropdown will be cut off when you are on the last element of the tree-view. To get round this you need to apply the following css class rule (thanks jziolkow) {
    overflow: visible;


Here is an example to use the directive


app.controller('MyController', ['TreeViewService', function(TreeViewService) {
    this.myService = new TreeViewService;
    myService.nodes = [
            id: 1,
            name: 'first',
            children: []
            id: 2,
            name: 'second',
            children: [
                    id: 10,
                    name: 'child of second',
                    children: [
                            id: 20,
                            name: 'grand child',
                            children: []


<script type="text/ng-template" id="my/url/to/a/template.html">
    <div class="pull-right" style="background:yellow;color:red;padding:5px">{{ }}</div>
<tree-view tree-service="ctrl.myService" node-label="name" item-class="pull-left" item-ng-include="my/url/to/a/template.html"></tree-view>

And you end up with a treeview like so

alt tag


This was developed using angular-ui bootstrap Version: 0.12.0 - 2014-11-16. If you have a bug, please check what version of angular-ui you are using. If you are using a version prior to this, then please upgrade if you can and try it. If the problem persists, please let me know. I do have a day job but will try to get back to you asap. If you can fix the bug, then let me know how, or even better, submit a pull request.