Learn powerful visual programming techniques and best practices for the web and IoT
Node-RED is a free and open-source flow-based programming tool used for handling IoT data that allows programmers of any level to interconnect physical I/O, cloud-based systems, databases, and APIs for building web applications without coding.
This book covers the following exciting features:
- Understand the history of Node-RED and why you need to learn a flow-based programming tool
- Use Node-RED for building Node.js-based applications
- Handle data for IoT devices using Node-RED flows
- Explore advanced Node-RED features such as connecting repositories and customizing the flow editor
- Find out what the MQTT protocol is and how it relates to Node-RED
If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!
All of the code is organized into folders. For example, Chapter04.
The code will look like the following:
// generate random number
var min = 1 ;
var max = 10 ;
var a = Math.floor( Math.random() * (max + 1 - min) ) + min ;
// set random number to message
msg.payload = a;
// return message
return msg;
Following is what you need for this book: This Node-RED book is for web developers, IoT engineers, and enthusiasts with some background in JavaScript and Node.js. Although not necessary, familiarity with electronics will help you to make the most out of this book.
With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-13).
Chapter | Software required | OS required |
1 | Node-RED 1.2 | Windows, Mac OS X, and Raspberry Pi OS |
2 | Node.js 12 | Windows, Mac OS X, and Raspberry Pi OS |
3 | npm 6 | Windows, Mac OS X, and Raspberry Pi OS |
Taiji Hagino After becoming a software engineer, Taiji Hagino started Accurate System Ltd. with his various experience. After working as a system integrator of a subsidiary of a general trading company, he now works as a developer advocate in the IBM Global team, developing DevRel (Developer Relations), a marketing approach to engineers. He also works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Tsukuba. His authors include "Developer Marketing DevRel Q&A" (Impress R&D), "First Node-RED", "Practical Node-RED Application Manual" (Kogakusha), etc. He was a Microsoft MVP, and was previously a musician, and a hairdresser.