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Help command: .help leveling
By default the plugin is disabled.
Shows server rank of a user by returning an embed with all information and box emojis for progress bar x) Use the command without user field to check your own rank, note that this is user therefore xp of members who have left the server is also available.
Returns an embed with the entire server leaderboard and a clean pagination, to move between pages the system is exactly the same as karma board with one extra option in center:
◀️ for first page
⬅️ for previous page
for top 10 users bargraph image
➡️ for next page
▶️ for last page
Sends a bargraph image of top users in the leaderboard, the amount field left blank returns top 10 users however the amount can be defined upto 30, more than that was slow and harder to fit in >.<
Same as bargraph just shows piechart instead
Adds more XP to a user, the maximum amount which can be given to someone is 10000000, giving someone XP using this command does not send the levelup alert message.
Removes xp from a user, the maximum amount is same as .givexp
command therefore 10000000, removing more XP than what user current has puts them in debt therefore negative XP.
Shows all the level related information which includes highest xp member, xp range, xp blacklisted channels, alert status, alert channel and rewards by if there are any.
This sends an embed which has all leveling related configurations which admins can change, let's have a look at them one by one:
.xprange <min_value> <max_value>
: This sets the xp range between which members will be given random xp, setting up the same xp in both min value and max value will make the xp static therefore giving everyone same xp everytime. -
.blacklist <channel>
: This blacklists a channel from XP hence members won't gain any XP in the channel which are in the blacklisted list, by default no channels are blacklisted. -
.whitelist <channel>
: By default all channels are whitelist hence give members XP, any channel which has been blacklisted using the command just before this can be whitelisted again with this. -
: This is a quick way to turn on/off alerts, if level up alerts are turned on then they are disabled and if they are disabled then are enabled right after entering the command, no confirmation or reaction required. -
.reward <level> <role>
: Add a role reward for a level! The level field should only be the level itself therefore a number, whenever members reach the level setted up they are automatically given the role. -
removereward <level>
: Removes any role reward from a level if it has been setted up earlier using the command just before this.