Repository related to CENG471 course I have taken in IZTECH
This course covers the fundamentals of Cryptograpy and Number Theory
for developing
algorihms to make computer systems more secure.
You can get more information related to course by visiting CENG471.
- Introduction to Cryptography
- Classical Cryptosystems
- Symmetric Crryptosystems (DES and Triple DES)
- Algebraic Properties and Finite Field Arithmetic
- Symmetric Cryptosystems (AES)
- Midterm-1
- Asymmetrical Cryptosystems (Number Theory)
- Asymmetrical Cryptosystems (DHKE)
- Asymmetrical Cryptosystems (Elgamal-RSA)
- Hash Functions and Digital Signatures
- Midterm-2
- Key Distribution and Management
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- MAC, Secure Channel and Overview of Homomorphic encryption