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Releases: GollyGang/ready


18 Mar 01:07
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Changes in version 0.4 (released August 2012)

New paint tools: pencil, brush, color picker. Paint on images and meshes, even while the system is running.
Undo/redo mechanism for paint actions.
New patterns:
    Goucher_glider.vtu, showing a newly discovered glider on an aperiodic tiling.
    life_oscillators.vtu, showing some oscillators from the paper by Nick Owens and Susan Stepney. 
Bug fix: Color bar colors were garbled on some platforms.
Bug fix: Some lines in the 1D view appeared black on some graphics drivers.
Bug fix: Conflicting preferences file from previous versions would cause blank window. As an interim fix in 0.3, use View > Restore Default Layout.
Bug fix: Control-clicking could cause problems in Mac app.
Bug fix: Mac users can command-click to roll the current image. 


18 Mar 01:07
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Changes in version 0.3 (released June 2012)

Reaction-diffusion can now be run on the surface of meshes, or in a volume of tetrahedral cells. Load the *.vtu files to see examples.
New menu commands:
    File > Reload from Disk : reloads the current pattern file from the saved version on disk.
    File > Import Mesh : imports mesh files (*.obj, *.vtp, *.vtu) as surfaces to run RD on.
    File > Export Mesh : exports a mesh file (*.obj, *.vtp) from the current contoured surface or displacement-mapped surface.
    File > Export Image : exports an image file (*.png, *.jpg) from the current slice or 2D system.
    File > Start Recording... : saves an image every frame, for making videos.
    File > Stop Recording : stops saving images.
    Action > Blank : sets all the chemicals to zero.
    Action > View Full Kernel : shows the full OpenCL kernel that gets created from a formula rule. 
File > New Pattern now offers to create a new image (1D, 2D or 3D) or mesh dataset (geodesic sphere, torus, tetrahedral mesh, triangular tiling, hexagonal tiling, rhombille tiling or Penrose tiling).
New patterns:
    bunny.vtu, lion.vtu, showing RD systems running on the surface of polygonal meshes.
    Bays_3D.vti, implements a 3D cellular automaton.
    Ising_regime.vti, showing how tiny variation can grow into large meanders in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system.
    Gray-Scott/U-Skate/Munafo_glider.vti, Robert Munafo's glider after which the U-Skate world is named.
    Gray-Scott/parameter-map.vti, showing how the parameters affect the Gray-Scott system.
    Turing1952/spots_noisy.vti, showing the effect of noise on Turing patterns.
    Gray-Scott/Lesmes_noisy.vti, showing how noise can change the behavior of reaction-diffusion systems.
    Gray-Scott/noisy_solitons_mitosis.vti, showing how noise can trigger solitons to replicate.
    mutually-catalytic_spots.vti, where big spots can only replicate if full of small spots.
    parameter_modulation_demo.vti, showing how values in an extra chemical can be used to modulate the parameters of a system in an 'R' shape.
    parameter_modulation_demo2.vti, showing how values in an extra chemical can be used to modulate the parameters of a system in a circular shape.
    life_torus.vtu, showing Conway's Game of Life on a torus covered with quadilaterals.
    PenroseTilings/life.vtu, showing the Life rule B3/S23 running on a Penrose tiling.
    heat_equation_interpolation.vti, showing how the heat equation can interpolate between spatial values.
    complex_Ginzburg-Landau.vti, a model of superconductivity that shows the onset of spiral waves.
    wave_equation.vti, showing the spreading of a ripple. 
Changes to the render settings:
    use_image_interpolation=false now gives voxelised Minecraft-style rendering in 3D.
    New entries:
        show_color_scale: allows the color scale legend to be turned off.
        color_displacement_mapped_surface: allows the displacement-mapped surface (for 2D images) to be colored using the image.
        show_cell_edges: allows the edges of the cells to be shown.
        show_bounding_box: allows the bounding box to be shown or hidden. 
Changes to the overlays:
    New overlay shape: pixel, for specifying cells directly.
    New overlay fill: linear_gradient, for values that follow a linear ramp.
    New overlay fill: radial_gradient, for for values that vary depending on the distance from the center.
    Each overlay element can now contain multiple shape specifiers. 
Pattern files (*.vti, *.vtu) can now be loaded into Paraview correctly, with named chemicals ('a', 'b', etc.). There they can be visualized by volume rendering, or contoured in various ways.
Ready has a new (much nicer!) icon.
New option for image-based systems: wrap, to toggle toroidal wrap-around on/off. 

ready0 3mac_screenshot_spots
ready0 3mac_screenshot_torus
ready0 3win_screenshot_bays_3d
ready0 3win_screenshot_gs_param_map
ready0 3win_screenshot_lion
ready0 3win_screenshot_param_mod2
ready0 3win_screenshot_penrose
ready0 3win_screenshot_pulsate
ready0 3win_screenshot_squid_axon
ready0 3win_screenshot_uskate


18 Mar 01:06
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Changes in version 0.2.2 (released March 2012)

Fixed issue that gave 'Invalid work group size' and 'expecting CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE to be a power of 2' errors on different graphics cards.
Fixed XML-escaping issue that caused saved patterns to fail to load. 


18 Mar 01:06
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ready-0 2-linux_small
ready-0 2-mac_small
ready-0 2-screenshot-win7_small
Changes in version 0.2 (released March 2012)

1D patterns now supported, as a color strip and a line graph.
Patterns can be saved and loaded, as VTK image data files (*.vti) extended with an extra XML element called "RD" - see formats.html
Toolbars added, for common functions.
Switched to a more flexible scheme for storing user preferences in a file called ReadyPrefs. See here for more details.
Added a Preferences dialog for changing various settings, including keyboard shortcuts.
Added File > New Pattern for setting the pattern to zeros.
Added File > Open Recent submenu.
Added View > Full Screen for toggling full screen mode.
Added View > Fit Pattern to fill the view with the entire pattern.
Added View > Wireframe for toggling from wireframe to surface view. Many other render settings can be changed in the Info Pane.
Added Action > Reset to restore a pattern back to its starting point.
Some menu items have been moved or renamed.
The Patterns Pane no longer shows inbuilt demos. It now shows files stored in the supplied Patterns folder. Ctrl/right-clicking on a file will open it in your preferred text editor (set in Preferences > File). You can also add your own pattern folder via File > Add My Patterns.
The Info Pane allows you to edit a rule's parameters and other properties while it is running.
The Help Pane displays .html files stored in the Help folder via corresponding items in the Help menu.
An Initial Pattern Generator is stored in the file and can be run to make new starting patterns. A series of overlays are composed in the different chemical images, and may include randomness.
A new rule type "kernel" allows full OpenCL kernels to be specified, for maximum flexibility.
The world size can now be changed. Set x, y or z to 1 for 2D or 1D systems, e.g. 128x1x1
For 2D systems, all the chemicals are shown side-by-side. This can be turned off in the render settings. 


18 Mar 01:04
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Changes in version 0.1 (released January 2012)

Includes 2D and 3D Gray-Scott demos.
CPU and OpenCL implementations.
User can select from available OpenCL devices (GPUs or CPUs).
OpenCL is loaded at runtime, so we can still do something even if it is not available.
User can edit OpenCL kernel and apply it to the running system.
3D visualisation shows a volume contoured at a fixed value, and a slice from the middle rendered as an image.
2D visualisation shows a false-color image and a height-mapped mesh on the back.
Works on Windows XP+, Linux and MacOS 10.6+. 

ready_0 1_anim
ready_0 1_linux