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Releases: GollyGang/ready


27 Jan 23:16
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  • Formulas now support more stencils: bilaplacian_a, trilaplacian_a, gaussian_a, sobelN_a, sobelNE_a, x_gradient_a, x_deriv2_a, x_deriv3_a, gradient_mag_squared_a (and similarly for the other chemicals and directions). Several patterns have been converted from kernel rules to formula rules as a result.
  • Formulas now support x_pos, y_pos and z_pos, giving the cell location in each direction, in the range [0,1]. This allows a neater and more accurate way of implementing parameter maps.
  • Formulas now support a_e, a_nw etc. in a more natural way. Instead of accessing the float4 block that is the neighbor of the current block, these keywords return a float4 that has the four values that are neighbors in the specified way. Now we can do e.g. a = a_ne; in a formula to have the whole pattern shift down and left by one pixel. This is a breaking change: formula rules that accessed cells using a_w, a_e, a_nw, a_se, etc. will no longer behave as they did before.
  • New pattern setting: accuracy. Controls the size of the stencil. Use "low" to run fast, and "high" to run accurately.
  • Parameter dx is now reserved for controlling the grid spacing of the Gaussian, Laplacian, bi-Laplacian and tri-Laplacian stencils. Formula rules no longer need to write e.g. laplacian_a / (delta_x * delta_x) and can just write laplacian_a since the value of dx is used in the stencil computation.
  • New render setting: colormap, with 11 maps available: "HSV blend", "spectral", "spectral reversed", "inferno", "inferno reversed", "terrain", "terrain reversed", "orange-purple", "purple-orange", "brown-teal", "teal-brown". The old behavior (HSV interpolation between two colors) is still available - choose "HSV blend".
  • New render setting: plot_ab_orthogonally. If true in a 1d pattern, we plot chemicals 'a' and 'b' against each other in the line graph, allowing us to show e.g. Schrodinger1926/packet.vti or Yang2006/jumping_cGL.vti in a more useful way.
  • Moved View Full Kernel... and Show OpenCL Diagnostics... to the View menu.
  • Mac app requires macOS 10.10 or later.
  • More smaller brush sizes.
  • Improved wave_equation.vti
  • New patterns:
    • An implementation of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, thanks to Dan Wills. Patterns: Kuramoto-Sivashinsky.vti, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky_multistable.vti, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky_travelling_waves.vti, Kuramoto-Sivashinsky_travelling_waves2.vti
    • Kobayashi1993/crystals.vti
    • In Experiments/TihaVonGhyczy: sobel_waves.vti.
    • In Experiments/TimHutton: mutually-catalytic_spots_2.vti.
    • wave_soliton.vti
    • Lotka-Volterra_1D.vti
    • complex_Ginzburg-Landau_1D.vti
    • KortewegDeVries1895/kdv.vti


07 Apr 21:58
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New patterns:

  • In RosenzweigMacArthur1963: predator-prey.vti, predator-prey_1D.vti, hk_parameter_map.vti and hm_parameter_map.vti.
  • LotkaVolterra1926/Lotka-Volterra.vti
  • SmoothLife2011/smoothlifeL_parameter_map.vti
  • In Kobayashi1993: laplacian_growth.vti, laplacian_growth_3D.vti, laplacian_growth_3D_corner.vti and dendrites.vti.
  • In Morozov2008: Fig2.vti, Fig4.vti, and Fig5678_delta_map.vti.
  • Experiments/TihaVonGhyczy/RockScissorPaper.vti

Ready 0.10

24 Mar 23:09
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  • Fix: Resizing an image would allow uninitialized values and NaNs to appear in the simulation.
  • Improved appearance of the caps where the contour of a volume meets the boundary.
  • New patterns:
    • Maginu1975/maginu_parameter_map.vti
    • Turing1952/turing_parameter_map.vti
    • FitzHugh-Nagumo/FHN_parameter_map.vti
    • Kryuchkov2020/Drosophila_corneal_nanocoatings.vti

Ready 0.9

22 Dec 00:16
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  • Mac app requires Mac OS 10.9 or later. Retina screens are now supported (no more fuzzy text).
  • Fix: Option to show multiple chemicals now works with 3D images and meshes too.
  • Fix: File > Import Image... should now always work.
  • Fix: Support for unicode characters in file paths in: Import Mesh, Export Mesh, Export Image, Save Screenshot.
  • Improvement: The rdy command line utility accepts more arguments and can print VTI contents in text form for pipeing to other apps.
  • Improvement: Added new HDAs (Houdini Digital Assets) for importing Ready VTIs into Houdini. See Scripts/Houdini/
  • New render settings:
    • cap_contour Whether to close the holes where the contours meet the boundary.
    • invert_contour_cap If true, closes the contour holes on the other side.
  • New patterns:
    • FCC3333/random.vtu, a simple rule on a rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb.
    • FCC3333/glider.vtu, a glider in that rule.
    • DanWills/grayscott-historyWaveDC_fibrousHistoryFill_wavePartition_init2.vti, A hot mess of gray-scott-ness (augmented with history and wave).
    • DanWills/grayscott-historyWave_ddd_bubbleDynasties_init.vti, Complex waves and bubble-spiral-dynasties.
    • DanWills/grayscott-historyWave_temporalWeb_mgsz_init.vti, Dynamic organic-looking-web formation (through budding) and slightly spirally propagation.
    • DanWills/grayscott-withWaveCoupling_ddd_cauli_init.vti, Branchy dividing solitons/short wavefronts leave super-diffuse and wave-attenuated 'history' wakes.
    • DanWills/grayscott-evolvingMask_ddd_frothierEchoes_init.vti, Soliton gliders form inside the active region and spread out, dividing continuously to fill the space. Once space is filled the solitons continue to propagate randomly, splitting and annihlating to maintain an overall density. The wave reagents are a bit 'frothy'.
    • DanWills/grayscott-historyWave_fuseWorms-wiggletrains_init.vti, Soliton gliders form from a subset of initial nucleation sites. Solitons continue to propagate through space whilst dividing and tending to follow existing soliton trails.
    • DanWills/orbits_nova_ddd_chicken_init.vti, Orbits-fractal-based formula showing a nice looking repeated structure-formation-and-destruction behaviour on a quite long (25k timesteps) cycle.
    • DanWills/orbits_ddd_questionSpaceships-answer_init_djw.vti, Discovered while tweaking the Orbits (fractal-inspired) formula, this appears to almost emulate a discrete automata at the core of its continuous dynamics. Comparisons could be drawn to the 'star-wars' CA in golly, but a bit more spaceshippy.
    • DanWills/orbits_ddd_epochs_init.djw.vti, This Mandelbrot/Julia-step inspired formula and parameters shows some fascinating and bizarre behaviour where over a huge time period (150k timesteps) fields of 'stars' form, merge and expire and then are eventually re-generated in complex wavefronts.
    • Gray-Scott/parameter-map_3D.vti, A 3D version of the Gray-Scott parameter map, showing how the parameters affect the patterns generated in 3D.

Ready 0.8

16 Apr 19:48
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Since version 0.7:

  • Can record 3D surface animations, as .obj or .vtp format frames.
  • Can import an image (.png, .jpg or .bmp) to use as a starting condition.
  • Can import a mesh to use as a starting pattern for a volume. (File > Import Mesh > Paint this pattern into a 3D volume image)
  • New option for transparency in the initial pattern generator, to leave parts of the image unchanged.
  • Changing the number of chemicals no longer blanks the existing pattern.
  • New patterns:
    • tip-splitting_3D.vti, showing a 3D surface that grows.
    • two_slit.vti, the famous two slit experiment of quantum mechanics.
    • parameter_modulation_demo2_3D.vti, showing density change in 3D inside a sphere.

Ready 0.7.2

20 Nov 09:49
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An intermediate release that includes a new feature: use File > Import Image... to copy a .png, .jpg or .bmp image into a chemical to use as a starting condition.

Ready 0.7.1

11 Sep 21:25
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An intermediate release that includes a new feature: use File > Start Recording... to output a sequences of 3D mesh files (.obj or .vtp) during an animation.


09 Aug 15:37
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  • New feature: ability to change data type from single to double precision floats, for formula rules.
  • 40 new patterns!
  • Fix for blank lines being inserted into files on every save.
  • Fix for font size problems with the color bar.

ready_0 7_smoke_ising


18 Mar 01:08
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Changes in version 0.6 (released November 2013)

Phase plots, showing how the chemicals vary compared to each other.
1D systems now have option to show multiple chemicals.
New overlay fills: gaussian, sine.
New patterns:
    salt2D_demo.vti, Miller and Fredkin's Salt CA, running in 2D.
    salt3D_circular330.vti, Miller and Fredkin's Salt CA, showing circular movement.
    Brusselator.vti, a model of the famous chemical reaction named Belousov-Zhabotinsky.
    Yang_1.vti, Yang_2b.vti, Yang_2c.vti, Yang_2d.vti, Yang_3a.vti, Yang_3b.vti, Yang_3c.vti, Yang_3d.vti, Yang_4.vti: from a 2002 paper by Lingfa Yang et al.
    McCabe.vti, McCabe_simple.vti, McCabe_additive2a.vti, McCabe_additive2b.vti: Jonathan McCabe's "McCabeism"s, showing detail at multiple spatial scales.
    Yang2003/Fig2.vti, Yang2003/Fig3a.vti, Yang2003/Fig3b.vti, Yang2003/Fig3c.vti, from a 2003 paper by Lingfa Yang et al.
    Kytta2007/Fig5.7a.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.7c.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.8c.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.8d.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.8e.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.8f.vti, Kytta2007/Fig5.8g.vti, from Klaus Kyttä's 2007 MSc thesis.
    Yang2006/jumping.vti, jumping_cGL.vti, showing 1D "jumping oscillons" from a 2006 paper by Lingfa Yang et al.
    Meinhardt1982/zebra.vtu (replaces horse.vtu), showing stripes on a zebra mesh.
    Schrödinger equation demos: packet.vti, packet_pass.vti, packet_reflect.vti, packet_reflect2D.vti, quantum_tunnelling.vti
    Purwins1999/multiGlider.vti by Dan Wills, showing many gliders in the Purwins rule.
    Experiments by Dan Wills: cglrd_ramps_example_djw.vti, grayscott-historyWave_fuseWorms.vti, grayscott-historyWave_moreLifelike.vti, grayscott-historyWaveDC_solitonsAndWorms_init.vti, orbits_explodey_init.djw.vti, orbits_sharpWaves-init_djw.vti, grayscott-historyWave_coralGrow_djw.vti and Simon Gladman: gladman_vermiformSolitons.vti. 
Bug fix: File > Start Recording... wouldn't work when set to 'current view'
Bug fix: Languages with different decimal separators (eg. French) would cause problems with importing meshes and editing parameters.
Re-organised more patterns into folders 


18 Mar 01:07
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Changes in version 0.5 (released December 2012)

Brush size can be changed.
Polyhedral cells now supported. Use vertex-, edge- or face-neighbors.
File > New Pattern now also offers to create:
    random 2D Delaunay and Voronoi meshes
    random 3D Delaunay honeycomb
    body-centred cubic honeycomb (truncated octahedra)
    face-centred cubic honeycomb (rhombic dodecahedra)
    diamond honeycomb (triakis truncated tetrahedra) 
New patterns:
    Buss_hex.vtu, Frank Buss' hexagonal CA.
    tri_life.vtu, B45/S34 on a triangular grid.
    Imai_glider_B2SC4.vtu, a naturally-occuring glider on a Penrose tiling.
    Goucher_loops.vtu, showing how Adam Goucher's Penrose glider behaves on the darts-and-kites tiling.
    hex_B2oS2m34_gliders.vtu, Paul Callahan's Life-like rule on a hexagonal lattice.
    oregonator.vti, the Oregonator, a model for the famous Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.
    complex_Ginzburg-Landau_magnitude.vti, by showing the magnitude of the complex number we get a quite different view to the original.
    larger-than-life.vti, a CA rule that uses a larger neighborhood.
    Gray-Scott/Pearson1993.vti, following Pearson's 1993 Science paper.
    SmoothLife/smoothglider.vti, Stephan Rafler's SmoothLife is a continuous version of Conway's Game of Life. This version has a glider like the one in Larger-than-Life.
    SmoothLife/smoothlifeL.vti, a SmoothLife rule that supports an amazing variety of life-like phenomena.
    SmoothLife/glider_3D.vti, a 3D glider in a SmoothLife rule.
    Purwins1999/glider.vti and glider_3D.vti: self-avoiding gliders in 2D and 3D.
    Gray-Scott/U-Skate/Hutton-and-helix-gliders.vti, showing two newly discovered 3D gliders in the U-Skate World.
    Gray-Scott/U-Skate/o-ring_2D.vti, showing another glider in the U-Skate World. 
New Laplacian stencils for faster or more accurate time steps: 2D 9-point, 3D 19-point, 3D 27-point.
New File menu command: Save Compact... for easy sharing of files.
New Action menu command: Convert to Full Kernel for converting formula rules to kernel rules (to get more flexibility).
3D images now show cell colors when use_image_interpolation=false, as with 3D meshes.
File > Start Recording... can now save out all the chemicals.
Bug fix: Full Screen wouldn't hide paint toolbar.
Bug fix: Pencil tool wouldn't work in some meshes on some platforms.