MVP for the FinTech startup DigiCFA, a digital payment solution for Central Africa.
cd mvp/BackEnd
npm run dev
Will open at: localhost:5050/routes
Prerequisite: make sure Expo is properly setup.
cd mvp/FrontEnd
npx expo start
Open the Mac Simulator (download from XCode). So far design has been modelled on iPhone 14 ios 16.4.
'i' to open in the ios simulator. Can also choose to scan the code and open on your personal device. Recommended pinning the simulator window during development.
'r' to refresh. Can do this on both simulator or terminal window.
Might need to restart server every once in a while. Patience is key.
Have not tried on Andriod - requires downloading Andriod Studio.
If running multiple simulators, go to the Expo Go App home menu and copy in the >exp:// URL manually.
Can also choose to open on Web. For debugging, press 'j'. By default the debugger opens in a Chrome window. (Can also set up VSCode React Debugger but that is slightly more complicated)