Releases: GoogleCloudPlatform/datashare-toolkit
Releases · GoogleCloudPlatform/datashare-toolkit
Upgrade script fix and new copy query button on my products dialog
Fix for issue where ENTITLEMENT_PENDING_CANCELLATION marketplace state not handled
- #443: Entitlements in state ENTITLEMENT_PENDING_CANCELLATION not handled by sync
PubSub permission fix
- #441: PubSub permission update and config reference error
Safari login fix
- #436: Login not working on Safari
Marketplace plan approval fixes
Marketplace plan approval fixes
Marketplace integration fixes
- #426: Plan details navigation to marketplace missing projectId reference
Marketplace integration fixes
- Security fixes
- #383: 'datashare' dataset should be excluded from source dropdown
- #199: Add marketplace cancellation support
- #390: Firebase reference clean up
- #200: Add marketplace plan change support
- #397: Add callout on accounts to show when a user has access to a policy without a matching marketplace entitlement
- #404: gcp-metadata unavailable, unable to determine current projectId when attempting to instantiate PubSub client
- #403: With table level access, authorizing a dataset is required when table is within the same one
- #412: Deleting a view should remove the view from any table-based policies
- #407: View validation should ensure table of the same dataset/view name is not created
- #402: When changing an authorized view name or dataset, the old view is not deleted
- #418: Chip highlighting not working on dataset account modal
- #387: Producer portal and troubleshooting documentation
Minor documentation updates and dependabot alert fixes
Minor documentation updates and dependabot alert fixes