Releases: GoogleCloudPlatform/datashare-toolkit
Releases · GoogleCloudPlatform/datashare-toolkit
UI configuration fix
- #366: UI json configuration missing comma
Upgrade process, documentation, and dataset deletion fix
Marketplace integration and security policy fixes
- #352: Marketplace 'my dashboard' integration broken
- #350: Added new Istio policies for letsencrypt acome challenge endpoint
- #336: Unable to reject non associated Datashare policy
- #189: Consumers should only see my products
- #323: Marketplace link is opening the solution link without a projectId specified
- #315: Adjust UI messaging in Policy dialogue
Known Issues:
- #357: Error thrown when deleting a dataset
Minor enhancements
Ingestion function transform step fix
#273: Upgrade to node.js 10 cloud function env broke transform step
Ingestion storage path changes
- Ingestion storage bucket root path requirement changed from 'cds' to 'datashare'.
Marketplace Integration / API authentication & authorization
This release includes GCP Marketplace integration and documentation updates for the Datashare UI. For further information see the Datashare User Guide.
Other New Features:
- #181: Add support for table level access control
- #161: Add RBAC for API endpoints with Firebase claims
Bug Fixes:
#176: Fixes issue where a blank transform.sql file would cause the ingestion cloud function to fail.
Breaking Changes:
#226: Rename 'userByEmail' and 'groupByEmail' to 'user' and 'group'
Permission Fixes
- #164 - Policy update failing to save