This is a fork from tposejank / FNF-PsychEngine-ExtraKeys
Engine was made using a lot of different Source Codes.
- Made/Modified in Brazil (Yeah, Brazil Moment π§π·).
- Git
- Visual Studio Community (Windows Only)
- Visual Studio Code (for modifying the code itself)
- Lime
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
- HXCPP Debugger
- Tabnine
- Haxe blocks
- Haxe Checkstyle
- Haxe JSX
- Haxe Extension Pack
- HaxeUI
- indent-rainbow
- Lua Extension by keyring
Windows and macOS:
macOS with homebrew:
brew install git
brew install haxe
Ubuntu based Linux distros:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haxe/releases -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git haxe -y
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib
Debian based Linux distros:
sudo apt-get install git haxe -y
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib
Arch based Linux distros:
sudo pacman -S git haxe
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib
Redhat based Linux distros:
sudo dnf install git haxe -y
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib
openSuse based Linux distros:
sudo zypper install git haxe
mkdir ~/haxelib && haxelib setup ~/haxelib
haxelib setup
Once you download and install VS Community, on the "Workloads" tab, select "Desktop Development with C++" Near the "Install" button, there's a Drop-Down menu, click on it, Select "Download first, then Install" Now wait until it finishes, it is recommended to reboot your PC once it finishes, but it's not needed at all
Windows: Press "Windows + R" and type in "cmd", if you don't like cmd, or you just use something different, open that program instead cmd is usually faster, that's why I'm recommending it!
Linux: press "CTRL + ALT + T" and a Terminal window should open -- although, if you are on linux, you probably know that already
haxelib git discord_rpc
haxelib git linc_luajit
haxelib git hxvm-luajit
haxelib git faxe
haxelib git polymod
haxelib git extension-webm
haxelib install lime 7.9.0
haxelib install openfl
haxelib install flixel
haxelib install flixel-tools
haxelib install flixel-ui
haxelib install hscript
haxelib install flixel-addons
haxelib install actuate
haxelib run lime setup
haxelib run lime setup flixel
haxelib run flixel-tools setup
Read Carefully: When it prompts for you to do anything (like: setup the lime command, setup flixel tools, etc)
Compiling test version:
lime test PLATFORM # linux, windows, mac
Append -debug
at the end of lime test PLATFORM
Windows and Mac:
In case you don't want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the LUA_ALLOWED
line on Project.xml
- AquaStrikr - Art, Director, Charting
- Luisinhi010 - Coding, Animation, Charting
- Gui-iago - Additional Coding, Charting
- NooBZiiTo - Animation
- Re.Xuadoz.2.5 - Ideas
- Shadow Mario - Engine Developer
- RiverOaken - Arts and Animations
- bbpanzu - Assistant Programmer
- tposejank - Psych Extra Keys
- Salt for Some Reason - Logo
- AshoXD - Rich Presence Header Design
- El_Cyaan - Guns Mania Chart, GF ALT, BanduFrein
- LeNinethGames - Menu Remix
- a gorila guy/Renan - Parasite Cover (Composed by TheInnuendo)
- superpowers04 - Character Selection Script
- shubs - New Input System
- SqirraRNG - Chart Editor's Sound Waveform base code
- iFlicky - Delay/Combo Menu Song Composer + Dialogue Sounds
- PolybiusProxy - .MP4 Loader Extension
- Keoiki - Note Splash Animations
- Smokey - Spritemap Texture Atlas support
- gedehari - Chart Editor's Sound Waveform base
- Cary - OG Resolution code
- Nebula_Zorua - VCR Shader code
- KadeDev - Input and Time Bar
- TheZoroForce240 - Input
- Uniianimates - BF/GF (High Effort Erect Remixes)
- CarKeys - BF/GF (Just a Little BF/GF Remake)
- Luisinhi010 - ALT BoyFriend (BEAT!Engine BF)
- NooBZiiTo - Scarf Pico, X-Mas Mommy Mearest (Scarf Pico, based on Phantom Fear's Design and X-mas MM based on Week 5's outfit)
- theoriginalalex - Only Speakers/No GF Skin
- kazzyrus - Mommy Mearest over GF Skin
- Extra Keys and Charts for all weeks (Even Tutorial)
- Transitions Based on Mic'd Up Engine
- Random Icon appearing on the screen (also changes the Icon BG Color)
- Socials Button (Discord and Twitter)
- This option was created for Low End Devices, Simplifies the Main Menu in order to decrease Loading times and improve performance
- May not decrease the loading so much, because still use one of the large file of the main menu (the bg)
- Winning Icons
- New Health Bar
- Multiple Inputs
- New Grafix (Marvelous, Sick, Good, Bad, Shit)
- Opponent Mode (Yeah, you can play as the opponent, but it's rlly funkin' cool, y'know?)