Routes graphql traffic to federated services depending on graphql schema, polled from graphql-schema-registry
- Generate API token in
- Pass API token in authorization headers:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"{ apiaries { id name } }"}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN_HERE'
just start
flowchart LR
web-app("<a href=''>web-app</a>\n:8080") --> graphql-router
web-app --"subscribe to events"--> event-stream-filter("<a href=''>event-stream-filter</a>\n:8300\n:8350") --> redis
graphql-router("<a href=''>graphql-router</a>\n :6100") --> swarm-api("<a href=''>swarm-api</a>\n:8100") --> mysql[(mysql\n:5100)]
graphql-router --> swarm-api --> redis[("<a href=''>redis pub-sub</a>\n:6379")]
graphql-router --> image-splitter("<a href=''>image-splitter</a>\n:8800") --> mysql
graphql-router --> image-splitter --> aws-s3
graphql-router --> user-cycle("<a href=''>user-cycle</a>\n:4000") --> mysql
graphql-router --> user-cycle --> stripe
graphql-router --> plantnet("<a href=''>plantnet</a>\n:8090") --> mysql
graphql-router --> graphql-schema-registry("graphql-schema-registry\n:6001")
graphql-router --> weather("<a href=''>weather</a>\n:8070")