Processes uploaded beehive frame to detect various objects. This is more of an orchestrator. It splits frame into multiple sections for better detection results (thus the name). In production its upload traffic is not going via graphql-router as federated graphql is not capable of forwarding binary uploads (yet?). Results are stored in mysql and forwarded to redis.
flowchart LR
web-app("<a href=''>web-app</a>\n:8080") --> graphql-router("<a href=''>graphql-router</a>") --> image-splitter("<a href=''>image-splitter</a>\n:8800") --"poll images for processing every 500ms-10s\nstore inference results"--> mysql
graphql-router --upload--> image-splitter --"store original upload, download for inference"--> aws-s3
image-splitter --"detect bees"--> models-bee-detector("<a href=''>models-bee-detector</a>\n:8700")
image-splitter --"detect frame cells"--> models-frame-resources("<a href=''>models-frame-resources</a>\n:8540")
image-splitter --"detect queen cups\ndetect varroa\ndetect queens"--> clarifai("<a href=''>clarifai</a>")
image-splitter --"event {uid}.frame_side.{frame_side_id}.bees_partially_detected"--> redis
image-splitter --"event {uid}.frame_side.{frame_side_id}.frame_resources_detected"--> redis
image-splitter --"event {uid}.frame_side.{frame_side_id}.queen_cups_detected"--> redis
We use pure mysql DB for processing async jobs instead of redis pubsub and kafka (at least for now) because
- we want to have persistance and to query state of async jobs
- we want to have control over retries and error failure states
flowchart LR
upload --"insert new job"--> DB[("DB\njobs table")]
orchestrator --> jobsModel.processJobInLoop --> jobsModel.fetchUnprocessed --"fetch queued jobs"--> DB
jobsModel.processJobInLoop --> startDetection --"mark job as started"--> DB
jobsModel.processJobInLoop --> handler --> resizeOriginalToThumbnails
handler --> detectWorkerBees
handler --> analyzeCells
handler --> detectVarroa
handler --> analyzeQueenCups
handler --> detectQueens
jobsModel.processJobInLoop --"fail job if handler failed">
jobsModel.processJobInLoop --> jobsModel.endDetection --"mark job as complete"--> DB
Copy ./src/config/config.default.ts
file as ./src/config/
and change values if needed (for example AWS S3 credentials)
Then start a service in dockerized mode:
just start
We use @databases/mysql
and run migrations automatically from migrations
Its not perfect, its just pure SQL without ability to run programmatic migrations to have rollback support.
It also assumes we have single container that runs this at the service start.
To add migration, just add new file. Try to keep same naming convention.
- Change processing mechanism from polling to a queue (kafka?) to initiate processing faster
- Add more test coverage & improve types
Minio is available at: http://localhost:9001/buckets minio-admin:minio-admin
Unit tests are executed with jest:
npm run test:unit
Integration tests spin up local docker containers and test against them:
make test-integration