A lightship module for support kubernetes liveness and readiness
This module is a simple wrapper of the original lightship library which helps to easily initialize the ready callback functions for multiple source of ready
interconnected services being used by the application (eg. database) or configuration loading of the application.
- add
which help to split lightshipsignalReady
to multiple functions - server exposes on paths
as the original lightship does but listen on port13000
by default - add
option to print lightship logs - add
to reserve random port behavior when the process is run on local as the original lightship does, default tofalse
npm install --save @greenrenge/gracefully
import createLightship from "@greenrenge/gracefully"
const { createReadiness } = createLightship()
const [mongooseDbReady, expressReady, senecaReady] = createReadiness(3)
// for mongoose connection
mongoose.connect(/* connectionString */)
mongoose.connection.on("connected", () => mongooseDbReady())
// for express
const app = express()
app.listen(3000, () => expressReady())
// for seneca
require("seneca")({ some_options: 123 })
.use("community-plugin-1", { some_config: SOME_CONFIG })
.listen(/* ... */)
.client(/* ... */)
.ready(() => senecaReady())
in case of making service back to not ready state, we get functions by 2 ways ..
const [mongooseDbReady] = createReadiness()
// first way, return from ready function call
const mongooseNotReady = mongooseDbReady()
// second way, by property `toNotReady` of ready function
MIT © Greenrenge