PHP Wrapper for BiblioCommons API
Originally written by The New York Public Library:
Currently maintained by Multnomah County Library:
Clone the repository, cd
onto your cloned directory and run composer:
php composer.phar install
php composer.phar install --dev
alias phpunit='php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit.php'
phpunit tests
phpunit --testdox tests
Work fine with PHPDocumentor (and probably others as well).
phpdoc -d src -t docs
To install PHPDocumentor:
pear channel-discover
pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor-alpha
NOTE: You may have to also install GraphViz in order for phpdoc to run without errors.
If your are using PHP 5.4 or greater, you can use the built-in web server to run the demo:
php -S localhost:8000
Then go to browser and open `http://localhost:8000/demo.php
Create a client:
$client = new \NYPL\Bibliophpile\Client('yourapikey');
Via the client you can retrieve the various other BiblioCommons API resources:
$library = $client->library('nypl'); // Returns a Library
$locations = $client->location('nypl'); // Returns a list of Location objects
$list = $client->itemList('1234567'); // Returns an ItemList
$title = $client->title('123456789'); // Returns a Title
$titles = $client->titles('Moby Dick', 'nypl'); // Returns a list of matching Title objects
$user = $client->user('1234567'); // Returns a User
$users = $client->users('example'); // Returns a list of matching User objects
$session = $client->session('a1b2c3d4-e5f6-g7h9-i9j0-k1l2m3n4o5p6'); // Returns a Session
$borrower = $client->borrower('123456'); // Returns a Borrower
Many of the IDs in the examples above are clearly integer-like, but they passed and returned as strings.
Some methods return ItemLists
or Users
objects, which are all paginated lists. Any method that returns a paginated list takes both a page
and a limit
parameter for the desired page from the results (default: 1) and the number of results per page (default: 10). For example:
// Searches NYPL for “Moby Dick” and returns the 5th page
// with 20 items per page.
// Returns a Titles object
$client->titles('Moby Dick', 'nypl', 5, 20);
// Gets the 2nd page of lists made by the user, with the
// default 10 items per page.
// Returns a Users object.
$user->userLists('123456', 2);
The objects themselves share the following methods:
: Returns the total number of items in the resultspage()
: Returns the current page out the resultspages()
: Returns the number of pages in the resultslimit()
: Returns the number of items per pagegotoPage(page)
: Retrieves the desired page of
: Retrieves the next page of results.
Trying to get a page that does not exist (less than 1 or higher than the highest numbered page in the results) will raise a NoSuchPageException
. Trying to get the next page when you are already at the end of the results raises an EndOfResultsException
which can be caught and used a signal to exit a loop when fetching the entire results set.
Many objects returned by the BiblioCommons API can have empty, null, or missing properties. Nypl-bibliophpile handles all these cases by returning an empty array for properties that are expected to be arrays, or NULL
for enything else.
Library objects can be retrieved by ID:
$library = $client->library('nypl');
echo $library->id(); // "nypl"
echo $library->name(); // "New York Public Library"
echo $library->catalog(); // ""
A library can have a multiple locations (basically branches). The list of a library’s locations can be retrieved from the Library object:
$locations = $library->locations();
echo $locations[0]->name(); // "115th Street"
or from the client with the library’s ID:
$locations = $client->locations('nypl');
Individual locations also occur as properties in Copy (location of a particular copy) and Borrower objects (as a borrower’s preferred location).
A “title” can be a book, a DVD, a CD, or anything that can be checked out.
additionalContributors() | array | Additional contributors as an array of names (strings) |
authors() | array | Authors names as an array strings. |
availability() | Availability | |
callNumber() | string | |
contents() | array | Table of contents as an array of strings. |
copies() | array | An array of Copy objects. |
description() | string | |
details() | string | URL for the title on BiblioCommons. |
edition() | string | |
format() | Format | |
id() | string | |
isbns() | array | An array of the title's isbns as strings. |
languages() | array | Array of the title's languages as strings. |
name() | string | Returns the title's name (i.e. it's title, but this method can’t be called title() in order to avoid confusion with a constructor). |
notes() | array | Notes on the title as an array of strings. |
pages() | int | The number of pages |
performers() | array | Title's performers and an array of strings. |
physicalDescription() | array | Physical description of the title as an array of strings. |
primaryLanguage() | string | |
publishers() | array | Array of publishers names as strings. |
series() | array | An array of Series objects. |
statementOfResponsibility() | string | |
subtitle() | string | |
suitabilities() | array | An array of strings. |
upcs() | array | The title's upcs as an array of strings. |
BiblioCommons lists are user-generated lists of Titles
Retrieve a list by it's ID:
$list = $client->itemList('170265611');
echo $list->name(); // "Recommended by our librarians 4";
Retrieve a title by its ID (NB, the IDs are numeric, but still strings):
$title = $client->title('18708779052907');
echo $title->name(); // "Moby-Dick";
Retrieve the copies of a title:
$copies = $title->copies(); // Array of copy objects
You can also get the copies from the client with the title’s ID:
$copies = $client->copies('18708779052907');
Retrieve a user by ID:
$user = $client->user('123456789');
echo $user->name(); // "fakeuser"
Search for users by username:
$users = $client->users('fakeuser');
$userlist = $users->users(); // array of results
count($users->users()); // 1
echo $userlist[0]->name(); // "fakeuser"