Machine Learning Engineer
University of Waterloo
- Waterloo
- 5h behind - in/guruprasanna-rajukannan-suresh
FasterRCNN_Embed_Extract Public
This code helps to extract the embeddings of the Images using Faster RCNN Model
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 18, 2023 -
Fashion_CNN_Model Public
FashionMNIST Unsupervised Classification using CNN
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 11, 2023 -
Comparison of Feature Matching Techniques in 2D - 3D Construction for Medical Applications
Python UpdatedDec 11, 2023 -
Translational_NLI Public
Translating NLI - Investigating the Impact of Cross Lingual Data on Classification Performance in Fever NLI
image_denoising Public
Harnessing Convex Optimization Techniques for Image Denoising
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 11, 2023 -
multiple_pdf_chatbot Public
This chatbot takes multiple PDF's as a input and responds to the User's prompt about that document. Tech Stack used in this project are Streamlit, Hugging Face models, Langchain and Open AI
Python UpdatedOct 10, 2023 -
Jupyter Notebook Updated
May 14, 2023