Monday 26th - Friday 30th June 2023, University of Glasgow, UK
The RAGE workshop is a hands-on training course on nanopore-based genome sequencing to support enhanced canine rabies virus surveillance in a local context.
Over 5-days, based on the banks of Loch Lomand at the University's scenic Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment, participants will undergo introductory training in a sample-to-sequence-to-interpretation workflow, including nanopore library preparation and basic data analysis.
Participants: click here for more information
- Kirstyn Brunker ...
- Criselda Bautista ...
- Gurdeep Jaswant ...
- Kathryn Campbell ...
- Rowan Durrant ...
- Laura Bergner ...
- Smitha Abraham
- Martha Luka ...
We are thrilled to be welcoming participants from 7 different countries, involved (or soon to be involved) in pathogen sequencing in their labs.
Funding for this workshop has been provided by Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust funding awarded to Kirstyn Brunker and Katie Hampson.