Application for inserting service alerts to PostgreSQL.
Setup the PostgreSQL database using the db-init-script:
psql -h localhost -d template1 -U postgres -f ./schema/init.sql
This project depends on transitdata-common project.
Either use released versions from public maven repository or build your own and install to local maven repository:
cd transitdata-common && mvn install
mvn compile
mvn package
- Run this script to build the Docker image
- Pulsar Cluster
- By default uses localhost, override host in PULSAR_HOST if needed.
- Tip: f.ex if running inside Docker in OSX set
to connect to the parent machine
- Tip: f.ex if running inside Docker in OSX set
- You can use this script to launch it as Docker container
- By default uses localhost, override host in PULSAR_HOST if needed.
- Connection string to Transitlog database is read from file.
- Set filepath via env variable FILEPATH_CONNECTION_STRING, default is
- Format of connection string is
- Set filepath via env variable FILEPATH_CONNECTION_STRING, default is
All other configuration options are configured in the config file which can also be configured externally via env variable CONFIG_PATH
Launch Docker container with
docker-compose -f compose-config-file.yml up <service-name>