Abstract: Extraction-based machine reading comprehension tasks typically generate answers as single spans from a passage. However, real-world answers often involve multiple spans from different positions. Relying on single-span answers can omit crucial information, include irrelevant details, or cause grammatical errors. Multi-span answers can address these issues, but datasets for multi-span tasks remain limited. In this study, we constructed a comprehensive multi-span reading comprehension dataset, consisting of 1,457 question-answer pairs. Using BERT, our best results achieved 43.85% accuracy, 58.59% ROUGE-L, and 82.06% BERTScore-F1. We also analyzed error cases to guide future improvements.
Passage: Người gốc Mỹ Latinh hoặc Iberia là nhóm cư dân tại Texas có số dân lớn thứ hai sau người gốc Âu không có nguồn gốc Mỹ Latinh và Iberia. Có trên 8,5 triệu người tuyên bố rằng mình thuộc nhóm dân cư này, chiếm 36% dân cư Texas. Trong đó, 7,3 triệu người có nguồn gốc México, chiếm 30,7% cư dân. Có trên 104.000 người Puerto Rico và gần 38.000 người Cuba sinh sống trong bang. Có trên 1,1 triệu người (4,7% cư dân) có tổ tiên Mỹ Latinh hoặc Iberia khác nhau, như người Costa Rica, Venezuela, và Argentina. ( Latinx or Iberian-origin individuals in Texas are an ethnic group that ranks second in size, following non-Latinx individuals of European descent.. Over 8.5 million people identify themselves as part of this population, comprising 36% of Texas’ population. Among them, 7.3 million have Mexican ancestry, making up 30.7% of the residents. There are over 104,000 individuals from Puerto Rico and nearly 38,000 from Cuba residing in the state. Additionally, over 1.1 million people (4.7% of the population) have diverse Latinx or Iberian ancestry, including individuals from countries like Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Argentina.)
Question: Những người gốc Mỹ Latinh sống ở Texas những quốc gia nào? (Which countries do individuals of Latinx origin living in Texas come from?)
Answer: người có nguồn gốc México, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Venezuela, và Argentina là nhóm cư dân gốc Mỹ Latinh sống ở Texas (Mexican ancestry, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Argentina are an ethnic group of Latinx origin living in Texas)
We aim to build and contribute to the "Multi-Span Question Answering in the Vietnamese Language" dataset to promote the development of natural language processing models for the Vietnamese language and expand their applications in other areas such as chatbots, information extraction, and text summarization in Vietnamese.
After completing dataset construction, we obtained 1457 question-answer pairs, divided into the training, validation, and test sets in an 8:1:1 ratio. Our dataset consists of 1457 question-answer pairs. Each answer corresponds to the provided question of the passage. The domain of our dataset spans various subjects, including history, geography, science, etc.
Question Type | Train | Validation | Test | Full |
How | 108 | 9 | 12 | 129 |
What | 379 | 48 | 44 | 471 |
Why | 90 | 10 | 14 | 114 |
Where | 55 | 7 | 6 | 68 |
When | 67 | 7 | 12 | 86 |
Which | 256 | 38 | 32 | 326 |
Who | 105 | 14 | 6 | 125 |
Other | 105 | 13 | 20 | 138 |
Reasoning Type | Train | Validation | Test | Full |
Word matching | 301 | 38 | 38 | 377 |
Paraphrasing | 425 | 53 | 53 | 531 |
Math | 69 | 9 | 8 | 86 |
Logic/causal relation | 173 | 21 | 22 | 216 |
Coreference | 197 | 25 | 25 | 247 |
Maximum Length | Train | Validation | Test |
Passage | 474 | 374 | 386 |
Question | 40 | 43 | 32 |
Passage + Question | 490 | 381 | 406 |
Answer | 81 | 92 | 63 |
Average Length | Train | Validation | Test |
Word Matching | 22.41 | 19.95 | 20.97 |
Paraphrasing | 21.58 | 22.01 | 19.19 |
Math | 16.72 | 15.33 | 15.75 |
Logic/Causal Relation | 25.47 | 27.1 | 26.45 |
Coreference | 22.45 | 24.48 | 18.2 |
We conducted experiments using the BERT-base- multilingual-cased model with many of the hyperparameter set. The overall model performance on the validation set achieved 45.22% with BLUE1. The ROUGE-L and BERTScore-F1 scores reached 59.13% and 82.12%, respectively. The model achieved 43.85% for the test set, with 58.59% for ROUGE-L and 82.06% for BERTScore-F1.
Additionally, we evaluated the number of spans of answer aspects in the validation and test sets. In both datasets, answers containing only one span performed significantly worse than answers with multiple spans. Specifically, in the validation set, single-span answers scored 16% lower in BLUE1, 29.52% lower in ROUGE-L, and 7.01% lower in BERTScore compared to multi-span answers. In the test set, multi-span answers outperformed single-span answers by 8.83% in BLUE1, 11.68% in ROUGE-L, and 2.23% in BERTScore.
The lower performance of single-span answers in both datasets can be attributed to the dominance of multi- span answers in the training set. As a result, the model has learned and tends to predict answers with multiple spans and more words. On the other hand, single-span answers have fewer words, leading to lower BLEU1 and ROUGE-L scores compared to multi-span answers in both the validation and test sets. Regarding BERTScore, the predicted answers contain more words, resulting in different contexts than single-span answers in the two datasets. Consequently, the performance of single-span answers is lower than that of multi-span answers.