Eureka curates and ranks all of the most popular online articles daily based on user input. Users can sign up, log in, submit links, search articles by keyword, upvote their favorite articles, and browse other users' articles. NOTE: all submitted articles are screened by the Google Safe Browsing API; some links therefore may not post as expected.
This forked version of the original project at Eureka-Project adds a Google Chrome extension for adding links from any other URL with persistent login across devices (installation instructions below), the ability to comment on articles and to delete your own comments, automatic tagging, article list refresh button, daily upvote limit, undoing your own upvotes, upvote counter in the navbar dropdown menu, and the ability to delete articles you've added from your profile page.
To install the Chrome browser extension, download it from the Chrome Web Store here.
Eureka utilizes the MEAN stack. This fork was originally hosted on a Raspberry Pi for testing and is now deployed at https://eureka-share.herokuapp.com.