If you are not a developer, you can use the Telegram Sticker CLI (developed by this SDK) for user-friendly operations.
This SDK provides a set of utilities for working with Telegram stickers.
- Convert image formats without losing transparency.
- Auto optimize output size for sticker, make it valid for Telegram.
- Auto-detect sticker type and emojis.
- Video Sticker
- Static Sticker
- Animated Sticker(Tgs)
You need install ImageMagick and ffmpeg before using this SDK.
Install Guide: https://docs.wand-py.org/en/0.6.12/guide/install.html
apt install ffmpeg
pip3 install telegram-sticker-utils
import emoji
from telegram_sticker_utils import ImageProcessor
from telegram_sticker_utils import is_animated_gif
from telegram_sticker_utils.core.const import add_emoji_rule
add_emoji_rule("sad", "π’")
add_emoji_rule("happy", emoji.emojize(":smile:"))
except ValueError as e:
print("NOT emoji")
print(is_animated_gif('test.gif')) # Path to the image file or a file-like object.
for sticker_file in ["happy.webp", "sad.png", "ι«ε
΄.jpg", "ζ²δΌ€.gif"]:
sticker = ImageProcessor.make_sticker(
input_data=open(sticker_file, 'rb').read(),
with open(f"{sticker_file}.{sticker.file_extension}", 'wb') as f: