Improved JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs (description here).
For some of the latest changes, see latest user-visible changes.
The stable versions are hosted at GNU ELPA (M-x list-packages).
You can also install the latest development version from MELPA.
This version requires Emacs 24 and cl-lib
(either built-in or from GNU ELPA above).
For a backward compatible version, check out the branch
See broken syntax highlighting and timer errors? Recently upgraded Emacs from version 24.2 or earlier? Try reinstalling or byte-recompiling the package.
Any indentation problems should be reported with
M-x report-emacs-bug
(please try reproducing them withjs-mode
first, for clarity). Starting with Emacs 25,js2-mode
delegates indentation to the indentation engine ofjs-mode
Please report other problems at
is subject to the same
copyright assignment
policy as Emacs itself, org-mode
and other packages in
Any legally significant contributions can only be accepted after the author has completed their paperwork. Please ask for the request form, and we'll send it to you.
Some third-party modes that use the generated syntax tree: