This script is meant to be run from an Ubuntu Live CD. It will build an Ubuntu system on the local system or VM using root-on-ZFS, with optional LUKS whole-disk encryption or ZFS native encryption.
- Boot an Ubuntu live-cd, like ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso and select Try or install Ubuntu server
- At the language selection prompt, type in
to put the installer into the background and get a root shell - Clone the ZFS-root repo
git clone
- Optionally copy the
and edit to suit. - Run the
script - it will prompt for everything it ZFS-root ./
The partition layout will look similar to this, depending on if a SWAP partition is needed for Hibernation and if encryption is selected. The _0 refers to the disk number. _0 for first disk, _1 for second and so on.
Number Start (sector) End Size Code Name
1 2048 2050047 1000.0 MiB EF00 BOOT_EFI_0
2 2050048 ram size x.x GiB 8200 SWAP_0 non-LUKS encrypted - OR
2 2050048 ram size x.x GiB 8309 SWAP_0 LUKS encrypted
3 11290624 53052222 19.9 GiB BF00 ZFS_0
- Used for EFI and Syslinux booting. Mounted at `/boot/efi`
- SWAP_0
- Swap partition for use with Hibernate/Resume - only created if Hibernate is available and selected. Will be encrypted if using LUKS. Hibernate/Resume only uses the first disk for resume, no matter how many disks and swap partitions there are. This means that the swap partitions must be at least the size of ram for Hibernate/Resume to work.
- ZFS_0
- Partition for main ZFS pool. Root dataset, /home dataset etc. all go in here. NOTE: With ZFS native encryption the whole pool is NOT encrypted, only the main rpool/ROOT and rpool/home container datasets. This allows for non-encrypted datasets if desired.
To add additional partitions, see the
script and search for 'Partition layout'. Note that the last partition created (Main data partition for root) uses :0:0 to tell sgdisk
to use the rest of the space on the disk. You will have to change that to :0:+500G for example to create a 500G partition. Use whatever size you deem fit.
There is already PARTITION_WIND and PARTITION_RCVR variables defined to correctly number extra partitions, so use them to create the partitions. Use :0:0 to utilize the rest of the disk for the last partition.
For example, to create Window partitions for data (500G) and recovery (rest of disk), add these lines to the Partition layout section after the Main data partition for root lines. Adjust the Main data partition for root size as mentioned above, and set the Window partition size in the sample line below.
sgdisk -n ${PARTITION_WIND}:0:+500G -c ${PARTITION_WIND}:"WIN11_${disk}" -t ${PARTITION_WIND}:C12A /dev/disk/by-id/${zfsdisks[${disk}]}
sgdisk -n ${PARTITION_RCVR}:0:0 -c ${PARTITION_RCVR}:"RCVR_${disk}" -t ${PARTITION_RCVR}:2700 /dev/disk/by-id/${zfsdisks[${disk}]}
NOTE: There may be problems with Secure Boot. Your mileage may vary.
- Will accommodate any number of disks for ZFS, and offer options for the raid level to be used.
- Uses zfsbootmenu to handle the actual booting of the ZFS pool.
- Can optionally clone the installed ROOT dataset as a rescue dataset. This will be selectable in the zfsbootmenu menu in the event the main ROOT dataset ever gets corrupted.
- When using encryption it can also optionally install dropbear to allow remote unlocking of system.
ssh -p 222 root@<ip addr>
NOTE: do not enable Dropbear for laptops - it wants to see the network in place, and if it's missing (usb-ethernet etc) then it will just sit and wait. - Can pre-populate the main user
with a pubkey pulled from named users from github. This will also pre-populate the dropbear authorized_keys if encryption is used. - Optionally can install google_authenticator for the main user. This will prompt for a TOTP code on login via ssh if no ssh-key is used. The code and a QR code are displayed during initial config setup.
- If a local apt-cacher system is available you can point
to that to speed up package downloads. - Memtest86+ included as a boot option.
- Optionally can install zrepl with a basic snapshot-only config to auto-snapshot the main and home datasets (see /etc/zrepl)
- Packer config to generate a qcow2 KVM disk image for testing or CI/CD
initramfs-tools is NOT used, and is in fact disabled via apt-mark hold initramfs-tools
. Instead dracut is used for managing the initramfs.
The script will prompt for all details it needs. In addition, you can pre-seed those details via a ZFS-root.conf file, and an example is provided. There are several extra config items that can only be set via a ZFS-root.conf file and not the menu questions.
- Any SSH pubkey to add to the new system main user `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file.
- Can specify the host ECDSA or RSA keys if desired. Comes in handy for repeated runs of the script in testing, so you don't have to keep editing your `~/.ssh/known_hosts`.
NOTE: It will always prompt for the list of disks to install to, and will pause with a textbox showing the selected options.
The simple zrepl config install sets up two snapshot/prune only jobs, no replication. Both the main root dataset and the home user dataset are snap'd on a 15min cadence. The root dataset prune policy is to keep 1 hour of 15min snaps, 24 hourly and 14 daily. The home user dataset policy is similar, 1 hour of 15min snaps, 24 hourly and 30 daily snaps.
In addition, the root dataset is only snap'd if there has been more that 120mb written to it - the idea being that we don't really need mostly-empty snaps of an idle system. Home data though, snap them all ...
The snapshot config uses /usr/local/bin/ to determine whether or not to snap. It reads the com.zrepl:snapshot-threshold property in a dataset for the threshold value to compare against the written property.
For any dataset that you want a threshold set, use something similar to
sudo zfs set com.zrepl:snapshot-threshold=120000000 rpool/ROOT/noble
If using Dropbear for remote unlocking of an encrypted system, a sample ~/.ssh/config
entry could look like this
Host unlock-foobox
User root
Port 222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/unlock_luks
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa
RequestTTY yes
RemoteCommand zfsbootmenu
This will run the zfsbootmenu
command upon login automagically. NOTE: one problem is that the ssh session remains after unlocking - need a clean way to ensure it exits after the unlock is finished
The final root-on-ZFS install can be booted in a UEFI or Legacy Bios system - configurations for both are included. While efibootmgr
can be used to manage the UEFI boot slots, rEFInd is much nicer and easier to use and configure.
In a multi-disk setup, the /boot/efi
vfat filesystem for the ESP is set up as a multi-disk mirror using mdadm. The mdadm mirror of all the BOOT_n vfat-formatted partitions (usually /dev/md127
) is mounted at /boot/efi
. That way any changes to that directory is automagically replicated to all the ESP partitions.
That said, rEFInd will find all of those ESP partitions and list them in the boot screen. It doesn't matter which one you choose to boot from, they're all identical. And once the system is fully booted, they're all mirrored and mounted under /boot/efi
The boot sequence is as follows
- The UEFI system boots rEFInd which scans the EFI partition for bootable EFI images. It and its config are in
. The default boot option should be zfsbootmenu. - The zfsbootmenu image in
(consisting of vmlinux-xxxxxx and initramfs-xxxxxx.img) is booted. zfsbootmenu scans for any ZFS datasets that contain a/boot
directory that contains recognizable kernel/initramfs pairs. - If the main ZFS pool is on LUKS-encrypted partitions, then an early_stage script is run that prompts for a LUKS passphrase and attempts to unlock all LUKS-encrypted partitions.
- If any dataset is ZFS-native encrypted, it will prompt for a passphrase.
A list of bootable datasets is presented, and it will boot the default one in 10 seconds. Hitting Escape will present a menu of options, with lots of neat capabilities :
- Rollback any dataset
- Select a snapshot of a bootable dataset, create a clone and boot into that
- chroot into any bootable dataset
- Alter the kernel boot cmdline
- etc
The booting process is essentially the same, except Syslinux (in /boot/efi/syslinux
) prompts for zfsbootmenu. The Syslinux config file is in /boot/efi/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
The syslinux.cfg
file is generated by the script
which is found in either of these locations
A Packer configuration ZFS-root_local.pkr.hcl is provided that will generate a .qcow2
disk image for a typical simple install. It can be run with a locally-installed packer/qemu setup, or with a docker container.
Both the local and docker methods use the ZFS-root.conf.packerci config file for to provide all the information for a local install. The username/password is packer/packer
Packer and QEMU will need to be installed
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install packer qemu-kvm qemu-utils ovmf
To run locally, a command like
packer build -var-file=ZFS-root_local.vars.hcl ZFS-root_local.pkr.hcl
Note: This makes use of a vars
file to supply overrides to the packer config. For example (replace myuser
with your own username)
# Where to dump the resuling files
# NOTE: If running under docker this location must be bind-mounted in the docker run cmd below
# The location is relative to the container environment
output_prefix = "/home/myuser/qemu/"
# false -> we can see the VM console gui
# true -> console is hidden (required for docker)
headless = false
ubuntu_version = "24.04.1"
# Where to find the boot ISO - can be a local dir or URL
# The full name of the ISO is appended to this location
ubuntu_live_iso_src = "file:///home/myuser/ISOs"
# or
# ubuntu_live_iso_src = ""
It will create a directory .packer.d
in the repo that contains the packer qemu plugins - ignored via .gitignore
The destination directory specified by output_prefix
will contain a subdirectory like packer_zfsroot_2024-10-17-1839)
with the disk image.
A simple Dockerfile
is provided to create a container based off the official Hashicorp packer image, with Qemu added. That is in packer/Dockerfile
and can be built locally with something like (replace myname with your user or other identifier)
docker build -t myname/packer-qemu packer
A sample run from the repo directory with docker would be (replace myname with your user or other identifier) like this
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":"${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
--privileged --cap-add=ALL \
-e PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH="${PWD}/.packer.d/plugins" \
myname/packer-qemu init ZFS-root_local.pkr.hcl
# NOTE: If setting the output_prefix in the ZFS-root_local.vars.hcl file as above
# then must bind-mount that location in the docker container
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":"${PWD}" -w "${PWD}" \
--privileged --cap-add=ALL \
-v "${PWD}/.packer.d":/root/.cache/packer \
-v "/home/myuser/qemu:/home/myuser/qemu" \
-v /usr/share/OVMF:/usr/share/OVMF \
-e PACKER_PLUGIN_PATH="${PWD}/.packer.d/plugins" \
myname/packer-qemu build -var-file=ZFS-root_local.vars.hcl ZFS-root_local.pkr.hcl
The first init
command only needs to be done once to download the packer qemu plugin. Note: This does not use a vars
file for packer, so will use the defaults in the ZFS-root_local.pkr.hcl
packer config file. That downloads the ISO to .packer.d
and places the output directory (eg. packer_zfsroot_2024-10-17-1839)
right in the current (repo) directory.
Of course you may pass in a vars
file - if any directories are specified outside the repo directory they will have to be provided via -v outside:inside
type volume mounts on the docker run
The .qcow2
format disk image (here in packer-zfsroot-2024-10-17-1839) may be run locally with commands like
Ensure the local user owns the created files
sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} packer-zfsroot-2024-10-17-1839
Boot with syslinux, no UEFI
kvm -no-reboot -m 2048 \ -drive file=packer-zfsroot-2024-10-17-1839/packer-zfsroot-2024-10-17-1839,format=qcow2,cache=writeback \ -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0
Boot with UEFI and locally generated efivars.fd
kvm -no-reboot -m 2048 \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=packer_zfsroot_2024-10-17-1839/efivars.fd \ -drive file=packer_zfsroot_2024-10-17-1839/packer-zfsroot-2024-10-17-1839,format=qcow2,cache=writeback \ -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0