Discord Bot for interacting with the Paradise Bots API
- Website - COMING SOON
- Support
Abuse of this bot WILL result in a API Ban
Command Usage is Logged in our Support Server for debugging
This bot is Open-Source and free for anyone to use/modify
api.help - Displays the bots Help message
api.info - Displays some information about me
api.get-bot <@bot> - Fetch some information from the Paradise Bots API about the provided bot
api.get-user <@user> - Fetch some information from the Paradise Bots API about the provided user
api.vote-check <@Bot> <@User> - Check if the Provided user has voted for the Provided Bot
All bug reports should be submitted to Toxic Dev directly or using our bug reports page (Please specify that the bug i regarding this bot).
If you need to contact Toxic Dev directly you can do so in a DM on Discord as well as on twitter or by email:
[email protected]
Made with ❤️️ by:
- Toxic Dev
- Paradise Bots LLC