A simple terminal-based file manager built with Rust, using the tui
and crossterm
libraries. It supports navigation through directories, viewing contents, and toggling hidden files. The current working directory can also be saved to a file using a command-line argument.
- Navigate through files and directories.
- Toggle display of hidden files.
- Display contents of selected directory and file in a separate panel.
- Save the final working directory to a specified file.
Run the file manager using Cargo or the binary:
cargo run -- --cwd-file=<output_file>
cargo run -- --cwd-file=path.txt
Key | Action |
q | Quit the file manager |
↓ or j | Move down in the file list |
↑ or k | Move up in the file list |
→ or l | Enter the selected directory |
← or h | Navigate back to the parent directory |
Enter | Opens the file |
. | Toggle visibility of hidden files |
crlt-r | Redraw terminal UI |
- Implement file preview for text files.
- Use colors for directories and files.
- Add file handling to operations.
- Add support for file operations (copy, move, delete).
- Add search functionality.
- FZF integration.
- Improve error handling and logging.
- File format Icons
- Add handles the creation of trash directories (specific to the OS) for deleted files.
- Create necessary directories and configuration files (like .toml files) for storing settings, hotkeys, and logs.
- checks whether it's the first time the application is being run, creating an initial setup file if necessary.
- Implement a command-line interface with flags (using clap or structopt in Rust) to allow users to control various aspects of the file manager (e.g., enabling/disabling features, printing configuration paths).
- Hotkey Management, user-defined keyboard shortcuts, allowing users to add missing hotkeys.
- Update Check.
- Customize themes and colors.
- Image preview
- Mouse support.