Deployed Link:
Your Abstractor summarizes a website within seconds. It uses OpenAI GPT-4 to provide an abstract of an website. This can be useful in writing reports, assignments, research papers, etc. It uses Rapid API Article Extractor and Summarizer to summarize the contents of the website.
- Responsive ✨.
- Summarizes content within seconds 🗒️
- Saves history of the previous search.
- Copies URL in the clipboard.
- Learned about the usage of Rapid API's
- Revised and brushed up my React skills.
Step 1: Fork the repository. You can fork the repository by clicking on the fork button on the right hand side below the profile.
Step 2: Clone your forked repository. Replace yourusername with your GitHub Username.
git clone ""
Step 3 : Run npm init -y. It will install all the packages and dependencies used in the project.
npm i
Step 4 : Run npm run dev. This will start the project in your local machine 🖥️.
npm run dev
Hurray 🥳, you successfully deployed the project in your local machine 🎉.
🚨 Only the Frontend of the app will work the main functionality of providing abstract won't work as it will need Rapid API Article Extractor and Summarizer API key. After inserting the API KEY, the project will start working 🔥.
If you found the project intresting then please do give this project a star ⭐.
Made with 💖 by Harshit Aditya