This repo includes the source code for Instagram's login request on their mobile API, no silent flags, completely undetected. The rest of the functions inside modules/Instagram.js have been redacted, you can contact me on Telegram @reversewasm to gain access to the redacted functions. Full access to this project contains fully reversed Instagram Bloks API, GraphQL API, along with all related algos and functions fully-reversed and undetected.
Instagram register endpoint will be opensourced at 50 stars.
- x-ig-www-claim
- authorization-token
- ig-u-rur
- ig-u-shbid
- ig-u-shbts
- ig-u-ds-user-id
Includes a complete Instagram request signer + GraphQL and Bloks request signer.
class Instagram {
async login(username, password) {} // the only opensource part
async authenticateUser2FA(username, password) {}
async submit2FA(code) {}
async getProfileData(profileId) {}
async getPostData(postId) {}
async getLocationData(location) {}
async getHashtagData(hashtag) {}
async fetchFollowers(profileId) {}
async fetchFollowing(profileId) {}
async fetchPosts(profileId) {}
async fetchTaggedPosts(profileId) {}
async fetchPostComments(postId) {}
async fetchPostLikes(postId) {}
async likePost(postId) {}
async likeStory(storyId) {}
async commentOnPost(postId, comment) {}
async followProfile(profileId) {}
async unfollowProfile(profileId) {}
async uploadPost(image, caption) {}
async uploadStory(image) {}
async uploadAvatar(image) {}
async search(query) {}
async fetchDirectMessages(state) {}
async createDirectMessageThread(profileId) {}
async sendDirectMessage(threadId, message) {}
async fetchDirectMessageThread(threadId) {}
async resetPassword(email) {}
async registerPhone(phone) {}
async verifyPhone(phone, OTP) {}
async registerEmail(email) {}
async verifyEmail(email, OTP) {}
async register(username, password) {}
async setUserBiography(biography) {}
async solveInstagramChallenge(anchor, captchaData) {}
async registerDevice(platform) {}
Contact me on Telegram below to obtain full-access.
Telegram - @reversewasm