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Stripe Webhook App

Description This Rails application is designed to handle subscription lifecycle events from Stripe. It automatically updates local subscription records based on Stripe webhook events such as creation, payment, and cancellation.


  • Subscription Creation: Automatically creates a subscription record in the local database with an initial status of 'unpaid' when a new subscription is created in Stripe.
  • Invoice Payment: Updates the local subscription record status to 'paid' when the first invoice is paid.
  • Subscription Cancellation: Changes the local subscription record status to 'canceled' when a subscription is canceled in Stripe, but only if the subscription was previously 'paid'.


  • Ruby 3.2.2: Ensure that Ruby version 3.2.2 is installed on your system.
  • PostgreSQL: Verify that PostgreSQL is installed and operational.
  • Stripe Account: Create a free Stripe account if you don't already have one.
  • Stripe CLI: Install the Stripe CLI for local webhook testing.
  • Redis: Install Redis for background job

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd stripe-webhook-app

2. Install Dependencies

bundle install

3. Database configuration

rails db:create
rails db:migrate

4. Run Sidekiq

bundle exec sidekiq

5. Stripe CLI and webhook listen

Login to stripe-cli

stripe login

Ensure these events are forwarded to your local server using Stripe CLI:

stripe listen --events customer.subscription.created,invoice.payment_succeeded,customer.subscription.deleted --forward-to localhost:3000/stripe_webhook

You can add other events also in above command as per requirement.

6. Configure Environment Variables

Copy the example environment variables file and edit it with your Stripe credentials:

cp .env_example .env

Edit .env with your Stripe keys:

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: Your Stripe secret key. You can get it from api-keys on Stripe dashboard

STRIPE_WEBHOOK_KEY: Obtain this by running sh stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/stripe_webhook. For production or staging we can get this key from Stripe dashboard as per endpoint registered.

7. Run Tests

Execute the test suite:

bundle exec rspec

8. Rails Server

Run the rails server on console with port 3000:

rails s -p 3000


  • Trigger Stripe subscription creation event using it:
stripe trigger customer.subscription.created --override subscription:payment_behavior=default_incomplete --add customer:[email protected]
  • Mark then invoice paid of that subscription from stripe dashboard or trigger Invoice Payment succeed event manually overriding with that subscription id
stripe trigger invoice.payment_succeeded
  • Cancel the subscription from UI or trigger Subscription delete event
stripe trigger customer.subscription.deleted


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