Run makefile in client and serv directory.
You may or may not need to install these packages using your package manager. The following package names reffer to the default Ubuntu package library. They may be named differently depending on which package manager you use.
Clang++ 3.8 later versions may work but have not been tested.
libcurl4-openssl-dev libcurl4 OpenSSL: For base64 encoding and decoding and random string generation refer to REPORT
libudt-dev UDT:
If using Ubuntu Server 16.04 the following commands will install all required packages: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install -y git build-essential clang-3.8 clang++-3.8 lldb-3.8 gcc g++ libboost-all-dev libudt-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
server: ./server UDP TCP client: ./client hostname UDP TCP
Working command sequence can be found in REPORT.