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The FTP server at isn't responding, so we've temporarily switched to the FTP-HTTPS web interface.

Co-authored-by: @Panthevm <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
ApricotLace and Panthevm committed Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 0963f11 commit 4bc585b
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Showing 2 changed files with 223 additions and 22 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
com.velisco/clj-ftp {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}
;; http-kit can't handle cookies, so, to download LOINC bundle we're using clj-http with
;; pre-configured cookie-store
clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version "3.12.3"}}}
clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version "3.12.3"} ;
org.clj-commons/hickory {:mvn/version "0.7.3"}}}

{:extra-paths []
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242 changes: 221 additions & 21 deletions src/ftr/ci_pipelines/icd10/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,30 +7,224 @@
[ftr.utils.unifn.core :as u]
[org.httpkit.client :as http]
[ :as s]
[ :as zip]))

(defn get-html-content-from-url! [url]
(-> url

(defn parse-meta
"Parses a string containing metadata information in a specific format and returns a map with parsed values.
The input string should be in the following format:
'month/day/year time <dir>'
- s (String): The input string containing metadata.
- A map with the following keys:
- :date (String): The date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
- :time (String): The time in 'hh:mm AM/PM' format.
- :is-dir? (Boolean): Indicates whether the entry represents a directory (true) or not (false).
(parse-meta \"4/25/2019 8:15 PM <dir>\")
; Returns {:date \"2019-04-25\", :time \"8:15 PM\", :is-dir? true}"
(let [pattern #"^\s*(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})\s+(\d{1,2}:\d{2}\s+[APMapm]{2})\s+(<dir>)?\s*$"
matches (re-matches pattern s)]
(when matches
(let [month (nth matches 1)
day (nth matches 2)
year (nth matches 3)]
{:date (str year "-" (format "%02d" (Integer. month)) "-" (format "%02d" (Integer. day)))
:time (nth matches 4)
:is-dir? (boolean (nth matches 5))}))))

(defn get-html-doc-represented-as-hickory
"Fetches an HTML document from a given URL, parses it, and represents it as a Hickory DOM tree.
- url (String): The URL of the HTML document to fetch and parse.
- A parsed HTML document represented as a Hickory DOM tree.
(get-html-doc-represented-as-hickory \"\")
; Returns a Hickory DOM tree representing the HTML document from the URL."
(-> url

(defn get-adjacent-text-nodes-and-a-tags
Searches for adjacent <a> tags and text-nodes
- hickory-dom (Hickory DOM tree): The Hickory DOM tree to search for and rename <a> tags.
- List of <a> tags and text-nodes
(s/select (s/child (s/tag :pre)
(comp string?
(fn [n]
(some-> ( n)
((s/tag :a)))))
(s/tag :a)
(fn [n]
(some-> ( n)

(defn create-file-objects
Creates a list of file objects from a sequence of <a> tags adjacent to text nodes.
Given a sequence of <a> tags, each of which is adjacent to a text node, this function
transforms them into a list of file objects. Each file object contains metadata, an href,
and a file name, and the list of file objects is sorted by date.
- a-tags-adjacent-with-text-nodes (Sequence): A sequence of <a> tags adjacent to text nodes.
- A sorted list of file objects, where each file object is a map with the following keys:
- :meta (Map): Metadata containing date, time, and is-dir? information.
- :href (String): The href attribute of the <a> tag.
- :file-name (String): The file name extracted from the <a> tag.
(->> (partition 2 a-tags-adjacent-with-text-nodes)
(mapv (fn [[meta a-tag]]
{:meta (parse-meta meta)
:href (get-in a-tag [:attrs :href])
:file-name (get-in a-tag [:content 0])}))
(sort-by (comp :date :meta))))

(defn list-files-in-https-ftp-interface!
Converts the following HTML page into a list of objects sorted by date.
Input HTML Format:
4/25/2019 8:15 PM <dir> 2007
5/19/2010 11:37 PM <dir> 2009
5/19/2010 11:37 PM <dir> 2010
Output Object Format:
({:meta {:date '2010-05-19' :time '11:37 PM' :is-dir? true}
:href '/pub/HEALTH_STATISTICS/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM/2009/'
:file-name '2009'}
{:meta {:date '2010-05-19' :time '11:37 PM' :is-dir? true}
:href '/pub/HEALTH_STATISTICS/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM/2010/'
:file-name '2010'}
{:meta {:date '2019-04-25' :time '8:15 PM' :is-dir? true}
:href '/pub/HEALTH_STATISTICS/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM/2007/'
:file-name '2007'})
- url (String): The URL of the HTML page to parse.
- A sorted list of file objects.
(let [hickory-dom
(get-html-doc-represented-as-hickory url)

(get-adjacent-text-nodes-and-a-tags hickory-dom)

(create-file-objects a-tags-adjacent-with-meta)]

(defn download-file!
"Downloads a file from a source location and saves it to a destination location.
This function takes two file paths, 'from' (source) and 'to' (destination), and copies the
contents of the 'from' file to the 'to' file. It ensures that the input and output streams
are properly closed after the file transfer is completed.
- from (String or The path to the source file to be downloaded.
- to (String or The path to the destination file where the source file
will be saved.
(download-file! \"/path/to/source/file.txt\" \"/path/to/destination/file.txt\")
; Downloads 'file.txt' from the source location to the destination location.
(download-file! ( \"/path/to/source/file.txt\") ( \"/path/to/destination/file.txt\"))
; Downloads 'file.txt' using objects as input paths."
[from to]
(with-open [in (io/input-stream from)
out (io/output-stream to)]
(io/copy in out)))

(defmethod u/*fn ::download-latest-icd10!
([{:as _ctx,
:keys [download-dest]}]
(ftp/with-ftp [client "ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM"
:file-type :binary]
(let [release-dirs (->> (ftp/client-FTPFile-directories client)
(remove (fn [^ f]
(= "CM- Committee" (.getName f))))
(sort (fn [^ f1
^ f2]
(compare (.getTimestamp f2) (.getTimestamp f1)))))
latest-release-dir ^ (first release-dirs)]
(ftp/client-cd client (.getName latest-release-dir))

(.mkdirs (io/file download-dest))

(doseq [filename (ftp/client-file-names client)]
(ftp/client-get client
(format "%s/%s" download-dest filename)))
{:release-version (.getName latest-release-dir)}))))
:keys [download-dest ftp-https-interface-url ftp-https-interface-domain]}]
(let [release-dirs (->> ftp-https-interface-url
(remove (fn [file-object]
(= "CM- Committee" (:name file-object)))))
latest-release-dir (last release-dirs)
latest-release-full-url (str ftp-https-interface-domain (:href latest-release-dir))
latest-release-dir-content (list-files-in-https-ftp-interface! latest-release-full-url)]

(.mkdirs (io/file download-dest))

(doseq [file-obj latest-release-dir-content]
(let [file-full-url (str ftp-https-interface-domain (:href file-obj))
dest-path (io/file download-dest (:file-name file-obj))]
(download-file! file-full-url dest-path)))

{:release-version (:file-name latest-release-dir)})))

;; TODO: The FTP server at isn't responding, so we've temporarily switched to the FTP-HTTPS web interface.
;; (ftp/with-ftp [client "ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM"
;; :file-type :binary]
;; (let [release-dirs (->> (ftp/client-FTPFile-directories client)
;; (remove (fn [^ f]
;; (= "CM- Committee" (.getName f))))
;; (sort (fn [^ f1
;; ^ f2]
;; (compare (.getTimestamp f2) (.getTimestamp f1)))))
;; latest-release-dir ^ (first release-dirs)]
;; (ftp/client-cd client (.getName latest-release-dir))

;; (.mkdirs (io/file download-dest))

;; (doseq [filename (ftp/client-file-names client)]
;; (ftp/client-get client
;; filename
;; (format "%s/%s" download-dest filename)))
;; {:release-version (.getName latest-release-dir)}))

(defmethod u/*fn ::unpack-downloaded-icd10!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +291,13 @@

(def config-defaults



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