Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung (DSFA) für die Corona-App / Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for the Corona App
Secure Multiparty Key Generation, Signature and Decryption javacard applet
Documents and codes relevant for practical secure multi-party implementation of crypto algorithms (RSA, ECDSA)
Repology backend service to update repository and package data
PBMX is a Rust toolkit for creating secure and fair play-by-mail games
A Platform for Robust Threshold Cryptography based on Asynchronous Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing with Tunable Security
Complex multiplication based factorization
A C++ implementation of the TinyLEGO cryptographic protocol [NST17] for general secure two-party computation
The famous tpm-emulator by Mario Strasser, previously hosted on BerliOs. It supports TPM1.2 only!
Computer players for a German card game (
Tool for generation of data from cryptoprimitives (block and stream ciphers, hash functions). Cryptoprimitives are round-reduced and the data can be configured for multiple testing scenarios.
Distributed Key Generation in the Wild (from )
Zero Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge compiler framework
A proof of concept for a mental texas hold'em poker