Here you can find the dotfiles for my system.
They are not super organized, but it's what I use.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me on LinkedIn.
📸 Screenshots
🔥 Info
- OS: Endeavour
- Window Manager: hyprland
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh with ohmyzsh and powerlevel10k
- GTK Theme: catppuccin-mocha
- File Manager: thunar
- System Information: neofetch / bashtop
- Top Bar: waybar, the config is based on someone (unfortunately I don't remember who) with some modifications of my own (colors, tray, caffeine, powerbutton...)
- Launcher: rofi
- Login Manager: SDDM with a modified version of sugar candy
- Text Editor: nvim
- Wallpaper Manager: waypaper
- Lock Screen: hyprlock
- Idle Manager: hypridle
- Printscreen Manager: hyprshot
- Color picker: hyprpicker
- Notifications: dunst
🛠️ Installation Script