🚀 Rpn42: A RPN Calculator for mobile devices (Android, iOS) written in Unity and C#
It is currently in development. No current plan for public release.
🌟 Features
Cross-Platform: Primarily designed with Android in mind, with secondary support for iOS. But it also compiles for other targets such as WebAsm with limited support.
📚 Dependencies
This project relies on MathLib, a mathematics library that powers all the math aspects of Rpn42. To explore MathLib, visit its GitHub repository.
🔧 Installation
You need the complete Unity project to build and run Rpn42, unfortunately. Due to size constraints, the full project is not included in this repository.
🎨 Design Philosophy
Rpn42 is designed with a focus on rational numbers, with both established and experimental mathematics.
🔗 Related Projects
MathLib: The backbone of all mathematical computations in Rpn42. MathLib is currently in development