0.1.3 - 2020-10-07 HACKTOBERFEST 2020 - 1 🚀
Add 🎉
Add Char Model, now you can generate random chars (numeric, alphabetical, alphanumeric...). Thanks to @parnus01
Add DataTime Model, now you can generate a random date, thanks to @rebelchris
Add Float Model, now you can generate a random float, thanks to @jirkavrba
Add Sequence Char, now you can generate a sequence of chars, thanks to @bitasterisk
Add toString method in order to have a concatenated sequence of chars, thanks to @paresh27
Change 💪
CI/CD 🏗️
Add cache for vendors and PHP packages
Add PHP Linter for 7.1, thanks to @Anita-ihuman
Documentation examples 📚
Add example/RandomInteger.php file, thanks to @davidribeiro
Add example/RandomBoolean.php, thanks to @rebelchris
Add example/RandomDate.php, thanks to @rebelchris
Add example/RandomFloat.php, thanks to @jirkavrba
Add examples/RandomSequenceChar.php, thanks to @xanaDev
In readme file:
Add range usage, thanks to @sam0hack
Add generate char, thanks to @Zuruckt
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