Seemless is yet another big integer library for C++ with foucus on its seemless interface such that big integer class could be used as if it is just a primitive type.
The design focus is to provide a seemless way to use big integer with a close to zero learning curve.
- Default constructor
- Copy constructor
- Constructor by hexadecimal string
- Constructor by decimal string
- Constructor by binary string
- Automatic memory reallocation (by using STL)
- Explicit trim and downcast to unsigned long long
- Implicit cast to bool
- Addition: +, +=
- Subtraction: -, -=
- Muplication: *, *=
- Division: /, /=
- Mod: %, %=
- Exponential: pow()
- Comparision: ==, <, >, >=, <=
- Bitwise Operation: &, &=, |, |=, ^, ^=
- Bit shifting <<, <<=, >>, >>=
- Output to std::cout
- Input from std::cin
- Literal like 123456ULL that append after digit to create a big integer type (is this possible by macro?)