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WikiLogic 0.3

The third prototype, making everything more modular

Our main site serves as the intro to the idea behind WL.

We also have a meta wiki set up for more in depth theory, a good place to go if you are something of a Philosopher.

###File structure

This repo, as you might expect, is for the software development. For any larger media files (videos, posters, design work, books!) we have set up a folder with BitTorrent Sync. Use the key in AssetsKey.txt and the tutorial we've put together to get set up with that. TODO@Douglas Investigate synching and update to use that.

###Getting WikiLogic set up locally (for the more technical people)

To run WikiLogic locally you'll need a few things installed:

  1. Node.js - the web server, download and install from their website.
  2. MongoDB - the database, download and install from their website
    • you'll also have to create these folders '\data\db' (run md \data\db) to set up a data directory, this is where Mongo will store your databases).
    • Finally (for windows(I'm on 8) it's a good idea to set up a way to run the mongod/mongo commands (adding it to the path variables!):
      • go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System,
      • click advanced system settings, then environment variables,
      • in the system variables find path, select it and click edit,
      • at the end of that string add ; then the path to the mongo exe files. It'll be something like ;C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard\bin\.
      • Now you should be able to open up the console and run mongod and it'll go!
  3. Gulp - A task runner to make life easier, npm install -g gulp, also global
  4. Compass to build the Sass Note, after changing to gulp I'm not sure if we need this anymore?

With all that set up we can now get the Wikilogic specific stuff onto your machine.

  1. Fork/clone the repo onto your own computer
  2. If you haven't got a normal copy of git installed (eg you only use sourcetree):
  • Set the Git path first with set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\git_local\bin;
  • or go to and install git from there
  1. In the command line / terminal navigate to the projcet folder and npm install (it needs git installed to run, hence step 2)

Ok! Now lets get it running

  1. Navigate to the project folder and run gulp. Hopefully it'll just go!
  2. Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/

You should now have Wikilogic running locally! Bravo sir/madam, bravo! You'll have to fill in some statements yourself to play around with it. We'll be adding an online test database soon-ish which the (future) demo will run on and which you should be able to connect to as well using a different grunt, like grunt demo or something. Will update this when that arrives! Until then, happy stating!

Note, if you get js-bson: failed to load c++ bson extension errors on step 5 (in the node console) search that in the node modules, the first result that comes up, comment out those three lines. They're just noise at the moment.

###Project structure

-Currently this part is me thinking out loud.

Main layout provides the main structure with angular. One SPA for viewing. Another SPA for editing.

Can angular Ajax the html partials? / use express to bind som ethings and define public partials?

views/ common/ navigation.hbs viewer/ i dub these applets index.hbs The viewer SPA recent.hbs popular.hbs influential.hbs changing.hbs editor/ index.hbs *The editor SPA *

###DB command ref

see user profile: db.users.find({"":"email here"}).pretty()

remove drafts from user profile: db.users.update({"":"email here"},{$set:{"meta.unPublished":[ ]}}) db.users.update({"":"email here"},{$set:{"meta.published":[ ]}})

clear out claims:{"status":false}) / true

clear out drafts

Root statement:

  • Hypothesis (prediction)
  • Observation
  • Undisputed fact
  • Absolute truth

Example claims

There are no absolute truths (it would be an argument against itself)

Shout out to useiconic for the icons!

this looks good for the graph:
and this:


The core project






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  • JavaScript 67.8%
  • CSS 17.8%
  • HTML 14.4%