The layer meta-hilscher-drivers provides recipes and resources to driver's of products of the Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH.
Currently provided drivers:
- cifX
The Linux cifX driver provides support of multiple devices of the cifX product portfolio (driver source).
The netANALYZER driver for linux provides support for using cifX products and special netANALYZER products to non-invasively capture ethernet traffic
Include this layer in your bblayers.conf
Make sure your kernel has uio support enabled (CONFIG_UIO=y/m) if PCI support is enabled.
NOTE: This can usually be achieved by setting
KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES:append = " features/uio/uio.scc"
Include libcifx (or your application / exampled using libcifx) into your image.
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " libcifx cifxsample"