I've created two api's one for cuny-first to get structured data about classes and registration. The second api returns data from cuny.edu I've put it together as one giant api. Happy developing! The base url is: http://cunyfirstapi.herokuapp.com
###/api/colleges gives you list of cuny colleges and their unique cuny Code
"_id": "584c9c5dbd8e316f16be3001",
"college_name": "Baruch College",
"college_code": "BAR01"
###/api/subjects gives you list of all colleges and the subjects each offers
"_id": "584ca203eeb002710b75da7e",
"school": "BAR01",
"subjects": [
"subject": "AAS - Asian American Studies",
"code": "AAS"
gives you list of all subjects taught at specified college /api/subjectsFor/BAR01
"_id": "584ca203eeb002710b75da7e",
"school": "BAR01",
"subjects": [
"subject": "AAS - Asian American Studies",
"code": "AAS"
}, ... ]
###/api/courses gives you list of schools and their courses
"_id": "584ca4ce970aed7266cbdfbb",
"school": "LEH01",
"courses": [
"course_name": " CMP 108 - Programming for Non-Computer Science Majors ",
"course_nbr": "57229",
"section": "01LB-LAB\nRegular",
"days_times": "Mo 1:50PM - 3:30PM",
"room": "Gillet 231",
"instructor": "Staff",
"meeting_dates": "01/30/2017 - 05/26/2017",
"status": "Open"
}, ... ]},
###/api/:school_code/:subject_code gives you list of all courses in specified subject in specified college
"_id": "584f2a3bca024ba3d125f2d0",
"school": "LEH01",
"courses": [
"course_name": " BIO 167 - Principles of Biology: Organisms ",
"course_nbr": "55515",
"section": "04LC-LEC\nRegular",
"days_times": "Sa 9:00AM - 11:40AM",
"room": "Science 1405",
"instructor": "Paula Gore",
"meeting_dates": "01/30/2017 - 05/26/2017",
"status": "Open"
}, ... ],
###/api/events gives you list of all events in cuny
"title": "Composers Concert II",
"event": " December 12, 2016 | Brooklyn College 7:00 PM ",
"description": "Conservatory of Music composers present their new acoustic and electroacoustic works. ",
"link": "http://events.cuny.edu/eventDetail.asp?EventId=77306"
}, ...]
git clone https://github.com/Hitscotty/cuny-first-api
cd cuny-first-api
npm install
Make a new config.js
file and use your cuny user name and cuny password like so: (include quotes)
module.exports = {
logging : {
user: 'cuny username',
pass: 'cuny password',
Start the server on localhost:3000
npm start