In this project, we use a camera and a livox lidar to realize the function of a RGBD camera.
We project the lidar point cloud to the image pixel by pre-known extrinsic calibration value, so as to colorize the lidar point cloud. Then we use a sequence of colorized pointclouds to recover a dense colorful map of an area.
The advantages of this sensor set are longer detection range and better performance in outdoor scenario.
- PCL >= 1.7
- ROS-kinetic
- OpenCV >= 4.2
- Eigen >= 3.4
- g2o
- DBoW3
- ros-keyboard(
- Build a workspace
mkdir ws/src
- Clone this repository in
cd ws/src
git clone
- Copy the ros-keyboard in '/wsr/src'
copy -r pointcloud/dependence/ros-keyboard .
- Build the files
We need to set two config files. The first one is in /pointcloud_fusion/cfg/config.txt
and the other is in /pointcloud_fusion/cfg/pointcloud_fusion.yaml
-0.00332734 -0.999773 0.0210511 0.00796863
-0.0123546 -0.0210085 -0.999703 0.0592725
0.999918 -0.00358643 -0.0122819 0.0644411
1211.827006 0.000000 710.858487
0.000000 1209.968892 552.339491
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.103090 0.109216 0.002118 0.000661 0.000000
Rotation Matrix[3x3] Translation Vector[3x1]
Camera Matrix[3x3]
k1 k2 p1 p2 k3
lidar_topic: /livox/lidar # subscribed lidar topic
camera_topic: /camera_array/cam0/image_raw # subscribed camera topic
save_path: /home/tim/dataset/test2 # save path of the logging mode
max_correspondence_distance: 0.10
transformation_epsilon: 0.0001
num_iteration: 50
transformation_epsilon: 0.01
step_size: 0.1
resolution: 0.04
resample_resolution: 0.02
statistical_filter_meanK: 30
statistical_filter_std: 2
depth_filter_ratio: 5.0 #smaller value for large-scale scenario
num_of_result: 4 #number of the return result of the potential loops
frame_distance_threshold: 2 #the minimum frame distance between two loops
score_threshold: 0.1 #the matching score threshold for a correct loop
translation_uncertainty: 0.1 #translation uncertainty between two closest frame
rotation_uncertainty: 0.5 #rotation uncertainty between two closest frame
point_cloud_save_path: /home/tim/test.pcd #save path of the point cloud
roslaunch pointcloud_fusion pointcloud_fusion
rosrun keyboard keyboard
Then press the keyboard in keyboard window to enter different command.
1-add a new set of data ( a pair of pointcloud and image)
2-map with all the pointclouds and save the result, then kill ros after finishing this process
3-save a set of colorized pointcloud in .pcd
, RGB images in .jpg
, depth map in .png
4-end logging and generate a description of the datas, then kill ros
Finally after mapping, the code will generate a mapping result in point_cloud_save_path
set in pointcloud_fusion.yaml
. You can view the result by
pcl_viewer test.pcd #the save file is test.pcd for example